4. Finding Hope

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Answer: So, two of the most asked questions were: what motivates me and how do I write every day? 

What motivates me is the characters and their stories. I can feel them, see them, and hear them in my mind. Once I started to write I found that I was able to calm them down. (well I sound crazy, don't I? haha) But really, I just have these stories that need to come out and I found that I'm not half bad at writing so that's the medium I chose. Also, my mom got sick and I needed a way to deal with it and usually I turn to books but there wasn't one that worked for my situation so I wrote it. FYI, my mom is better now.

I write every day because it keeps the voices at bay and it's great practice. It helps me wake up or go to sleep. I used to have really bad nightmares all the time or weird dreams but when I started writing every day I think I used enough of my imagination that when I slept it was tired enough to chill out and let me actually sleep.

As soon as Magnus heard the coordinates he opened a portal and jumped through. He landed on a small island and didn't care that his shoes were instantly covered in sand and salt water. He didn't have the time to care. Magnus had to find his family. He tried to track them but still couldn't find anything.

"Alec! Max! Rafe! Catherine!" He shouted. Magnus continued calling for them, screaming for them, and crying out their names until his voice was raw. "Alexander, don't you dare leave me here alone." He cried out and shook his head. He tried to swallow back the tears but it was impossible. 

Magnus sank to the sandy ground and dropped his head into his hands as he cried for the loss of everything. He had lost his entire life in one moment. How was that possible? How was he supposed to continue on? 

The crunching of a leaf yanked him out of his dark thoughts. He looked up and saw two small eyes. "Max?"

He jumped to his feet and ran to him. He picked him up and when the monkey scratched his arm he realized that it wasn't Max. "Damn it!" He tossed the monkey up to the tree and decided that it wasn't over. He was not going to just sit down and accept what life had pushed on him. He had lost too much already and had literally been to hell and back. A measly plane crash was not going to be his ending. 

He searched the entire small island by foot but it was completely empty except for him and a couple of animals. Magnus took a deep breath after realizing that he had been holding almost the whole time. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't just accept the fact that his entire family was gone. 

Magnus decided that he needed to find the airplane. That would solve all of his problems. He dove into the water and used his magic to help him breathe. He swam deeper and deeper. When he started losing light he used more magic to create little lights around him. If he weren't so devastated he would enjoy the view of the wild ocean, but he barely noticed. 

After almost an hour of swimming aimlessly, he saw the first clue. There was part of an engine. He swam as fast as he could to it and followed the haphazard trail of plane parts to the main cabin of the plane. He sat there for a full minute preparing himself to go inside. He had already passed by two dead bodies that thankfully hadn't been anyone he knew, not that they weren't terrible to see. 

Magnus swam inside slowly. He pushed things out of his way and tried to stay away from the bodies and other questionable things inside. Once he got to the front of the plane he took another moment to prepare for the worst. He pulled himself forward and froze when he saw what was inside. He almost lost control of his magic, but barely caught himself. 

Question: What questions do you have about actual publishing? I'm self-published, so I don't know a bunch about working with actual agents and such, but I've learned a lot about self-publishing.

I'll be posting the next part in a couple hours!

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