2. The Plane

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Answer: The Way Way Back

"Why are we doing this again?" Catherine asked as they walked into the airport. They had three warlocks among them yet they were using mundane travel. She shook her head at the mundanes all rushing around.

"It's for the experience," Rafe said, using air quotes.

"It'll be so much fun!" Max rushed ahead of them with his backpack swinging.

"Max, stay close!" Alec called after him. He was walking behind the kids with Magnus. When Magnus had suggested the idea he hated it which was why he said yes. They needed to make sure their kids didn't end up like him, stubborn and afraid of the world. 

"Look at how excited they are." Magnus smiled at Alec and took his hand to try and calm him down. Magnus could tell that Alec was starting to get overwhelmed by the crowds. 

"Max, at least." Alec snickered. "Poor Rafe and Catherine are already sick of him and the other people."

"Nah, they'll get over it. They just don't want to come off as too excited. You know teenagers, they can't let you know they're happy." Magnus chuckled.

"Damn right." 

The group finally got to the ticket booth, they were in first class, of course. Magnus got their tickets and they quickly boarded the plane. It was in the air in no time. All of them except Max and Magnus were shaking with fear. 

"What are we supposed to do if someone needs us?" Alec asked.

"We'll be fine," Magnus kissed his cheek. 

"Magnus, I don't have my bow." Alec whispered. "I need my bow."

"Alec, you don't you'll be fine." Magnus assured him.

"I need it." Alec demanded.

"Fine." Magnus smiled and shook his head. "So stubborn."

He stood up, kissed Alec's forehead and went to the bathroom so he could portal out without someone seeing. 

Magnus portalled back to the apartment and went to their room. Alec's bow wasn't there. He searched in the closet, throwing his clothes everywhere before finally using  good magic. The bow appeared in his hand and he smiled at the small glittery heart on the handle that he had drawn.

He was just going to get back to the plane when his phone rang.

"What part of we're on vacation and if you call I'll turn you into a duck did you not get, Jace?" Magnus asked, annoyed.

"Magnus, you're okay? What the he'll happened?" Clary sounded terrified.

"What do you mean? Of course, I'm fine." Magnus got a sinking feeling. "Clary why are you calling me on Jace's phone?"

"Magnus, where's Alec and the kids?" Clary ignored his question.

"On the plane. Why? Clary, what are you asking me? Did something happen?" Magnus became more hysterical.

"It's Jace. The parabatai rune. I-I-" Clary started to cry.

"Clary, what - Jace!" Magnus yelled as he portalled to them. Jace was on the ground clutching the rune.

"Mags, he's gone." Jace hissed as tears fell from his eyes. "What happened?"

"No." Magnus demanded and tracked Alec. He couldn't sense him at all. He tracked Max, nothing. Rafe and Catherine, he felt nothing. "I was only gone for a couple minutes. What could have happened? Where is my family?" Magnus sank to the ground and focused harder.

Question: Beach, Mountains, or City?

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