2. Do Shadowhunters Get Hangovers?

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Answer: Chocolate, ice cream, cookies, popcorn, but also wonton soup or spicy cabbage soup. I had the wonton soup last night and made it way too spicy but I still ate/drank it all. Hopefully, it helped clear this cold out of my system...maybe it just hasn't kicked in yet...

Magnus stopped by the door to his bedroom and checked on Alec who had been sleeping since he got to his apartment which was ten hours ago. It was already 2 in the afternoon. (or nine in the afternoon, anyone?)

Alec was mumbling in his sleep and started to shift around. Magnus hurried inside and sat on the edge of the bed. He wiped at Alec's sweaty forehead with a handkerchief. "Alexander, you're okay. It's just a dream."

"Magnus?" Alec asked, his voice sounded gravelly and he winced. "I hurt all over."

"I know, darling. It's a cold." Magnus wiped at Alec's brow again. "Do you remember last night?"

"That I want to kill the mundane? Yes." Alec grabbed his head and groaned. "Did you happen to give me a labotomy?"

"Damn, I knew I forgot to do something last night." Magnus snapped his fingers.

"Ow." Alec complained at the noise.

"Oh, my poor baby." Magnus kissed his forehead and used his magic to heal the pain. Alec moaned in happiness as the pounding pain in his head dissipated. 

"Thank you." Alec finally opened his eyes. "I hate you." 

Magnus' jaw dropped open as Alec closed his eyes and turned away from him. "What was that for?" Magnus asked when he could finally get the words out. 

Alec turned back and opened his eyes again. "Well, I mean why do you get to look all perfect and made up when I'm sure I look like a demon, or worse, Simon." Alec pouted but the edges of his lips went up until it became a smile. 

Magnus smacked Alec lightly on the chest. "Jerk."

"It's your own fault." Alec smiled deeply, "squishy."

"Ah, so you do remember?" Magnus smiled nervously. Was Alec going to say that he loved him again?

"A bit." Alec rubbed his head and coughed. "Do you have anything besides that terrible mundane medicine?"

"Oh, I have loads of things." Magnus reached behind him for the tray of glass jars that were on the nightstand table. "Werewolf tooth?"

"I'm good." Alec shook his head.

"Yes, I suppose your stomach is fine." Magnus looked into the jars and finally picked one. "Open up."

"Why?" Alec gave him a nervous look.

"It'll help with the hangover and cold." Magnus raised his eyebrow.

"I'm not hungover. I didn't drink." Alec said. 

"So, that splitting headache was just from the cold?"


"I doubt it. Now open up." Magnus commanded and Alec finally opened his mouth and eyed Magnus nervously.

"Close your eyes. It'll make it easier." Magnus said with a frown. 

"What are you feeding me?" Alec asked.

"You'll find out once you close your eyes," Magnus said and placed the tray back on the nightstand.

"Fine." Alec grumpily crossed his arms and closed his eyes. The bed dipped as Magnus got back on and Alec felt Magnus place a knee on each side of Alec's thighs. Alec smiled as Magnus pulled his arms away from his chest and placed them on Magnus' thighs. 

"Now, open your mouth," Magnus whispered and kissed Alec's throat. Alec did as he was told and then something was shoved into it. It was salty and warm. 

Alec choked and spit it out. "Damn it! Magnus you know I hate pickles!" Alec wiped at his lips and spit onto Magnus' comforter not caring that Magnus would have to wash it.

"But, it'll help you feel better." Magnus held the pickle back up. 

"No." Alec pushed it away. "And, why in the hell was it warm?" Alec asked, disgusted with the situation.

"Oh, well, because it's been in my hand for the past couple of minutes." Magnus shrugged.

"You're an ass." Alec rolled his eyes and pushed Magnus off him. Magnus let him and easily sat next to him cross-legged. 

"Yes, well you did call my door a bitch, so." Magnus waved his hand in the air as if to say Alec deserved what he got.

"By the angel, you're right." Alec blushed. "I'm such an idiot. I actually fought your door and somehow I managed to lose."

"It was adorable. I kind of like drunk or high Alec, I'm still not sure which you were but it was hilarious." Magnus touched Alec's cheek. "You said my face was pretty."

"It is." Alec turned his head and kissed Magnus' hand then unromantically started coughing against it.

"Ew!" Magnus squealed and jumped away.

"I-ah-I-I'm so sorry!" Alec's eyes were huge and his cheeks were red with embarrassment. 

"It's okay, darling. But, how about we get you better before you try to kiss me again?" Magnus smiled albeit less big than before. "I'll be right back with a potion to help you."


"Yes, Alexander," Magnus turned to look at the shadowhunter.

"Thank you." Alec's smile was so sweet that Magnus swore the heaven's opened in that moment to shine on him. And in that moment Magnus understood that this was Alec's way of saying what he wasn't ready to admit yet. Alec loved him and Magnus knew it. Sure, it would take some time for Alec to actually say it but Magnus now knew that it was going to happen.

"Anytime, darling." Magnus finally responded adding, "I love you, too," in his head.

"Oh, and can you make waffles?" Alec grinned.

"Of course, well, we both know I'm not going to make them but I'll get us some." Magnus disappeared into the hallway and Alec sank back against the pillow. 

Question: If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why?

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