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Answer: Getting tortured in front of my family who were all just laughing and joking as if nothing was happening.

Alec walked slowly up to the door to Magnus' apartment. He was exhausted. Why couldn't Jace handle the three demons on his own? He at least had an ego big enough to do it. Alec continued grumbling as he walked inside. There wasn't anyone on the couch. He looked in the kitchen even though he knew Magnus rarely used the room. 

"Magnus?" Alec called out. He looked at his phone. It was only 8:30 pm. Magnus should be there. Did something come up? He looked on the coffee table to see if Magnus had left a note. There wasn't one. He checked his phone again; no messages. 

"Magnus are you here?" He called out again as he walked toward Magnus' bedroom.

Alec froze. He could hear something. It was like someone was talking. Wait, it was singing. Alec hurried into the bedroom and the connected bathroom. he peeked inside and saw Magnus dancing around in the shower while he sang his heart out to the radio. 

"Oh, Alec," Magnus blushed, which was a very rare thing. 

"Hey," Alec smirked and leaned against the doorjamb. "It appears that you're enjoying yourself."

"Well, yeah." Magnus smiled and his blush disappeared. "I mean it's not as fun alone, but we both know I have the talent to pull it off."

"And know you sound like Jace." Alec chuckled.

"Hey!" Magnus threw his loofa at Alec who could have easily caught it but let it hit him square in the face instead because he knew it would make Magnus happy. 

"Is that your way of telling me that I smell?" Alec asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, that too." Magnus laughed. "Get in here and tell me about your day."

Magnus opened the door to the enormous shower. Alec rolled his eyes and pulled his clothes off before getting in. Alec handed Magnus the loofa back and then grabbed the soap. 

"You'd never believe what happened today," Alec said as he started to soap up.

"Let me guess, it had something to do with that cockblock friend of yours." Magnus teased and poured some shampoo in Alec's hair before starting to massage it in.

"You'd be right," Alec moaned, "by the angel, that feels amazing." 

"It better, because I learned it from Casanova." Magnus purred in Alec's ear.

Alec whipped around to face him. "Casanova? Really?"

"Don't worry, he's nothing compared to you and long dead." Magnus smiled and kissed Alec's soapy nose. "Now, what else happened with Jace?"

"Well he ran into the middle of the fight. He had no plan except to not die, which let me tell you he did not execute very well."

"Is he okay?" Magnus asked, concerned. 

"Yeah, except for the black eye I gave him after I saved his ass," Alec smirked. 

"Awe, you know that's why I love you." Magnus smiled deeply, showing his teeth.

"Because I hit him or because I enjoyed it?" Alec asked.

"Because you can still look adorable and innocent even when saying that you gave someone a black eye." Magnus pushed Alec under the water. 

"He deserved it."

"I know he did."

"He also told me that he didn't like my halloween costume idea. Simon and Clary are making us go to this stupid mundane party and they said I had to dress up. They all hate my idea and it was mean." Alec pouted because he knew with Magnus he could show those kinds of emotions. Magnus had loved the first time Alec had pouted in front of him.

"What do you want to be?" Magnus asked him while shutting off the water. 

"A warlock." Alec smiled shyly.

"Ah, but what kind?"

"I was thinking horns and blue skin. I don't know why but that combination just seems to call to me." 

"I love it!" Magnus clapped his hands. "Oh, and I'll be a shadowhunter or to the mundanes a vampire slayer!"

"Exactly! Thank you! I knew it was cool!" 

Question: What are you going to be for halloween?

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