5. Awkward Drive

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Answer: frosted mini wheats or lucky charms. I'm eating a mix of the two right now in fact because I am clearly a child.

Alec looked at Magnus through the corner of his eye as they continued on the road. He had so many questions but has no idea how to ask them. It was as if he had forgotten how to speak. He moved his mouth and words came out in his mind, but in reality he sat there unmoving and silent.

He glanced at the clock. By the Angel! They had been driving for 3 hours! Alexander Gideon Lightwood was an idiot. Magnus was driving out into the middle of nowhere so he could murder Alec then easily dispose of his body. Alec was going to die and it was becuase he chose to get in a car with the guy who said he probably wouldn't beat him up.

Alec would text Izzy but his phone was still at his feet and was too afraid to move to get it. He shifted his gaze and looked at Magnus again. He was smiling, a true smile, like the kind you see on a kids face when you give them cotton candy. He probably was thinking about the kill.

Magnus looked at Alec out of the corner of his eye. He was clearly thinking deeply about something so Magnus had stayed quiet, but he was starting to slowly die of boredom. This was his first night of freedom and he was stuck in a car with a silent guy he barely knew, a guy who for some reason made him feel calm and safe. A guy who made him feel like his secret place in the woods made him feel.

Alec saw a flicker of sadness overcome Magnus before the happiness returned. Maybe he was feeling regret. If Alec could make him feel bad enough about killing, or befriended him enough maybe he wouldn't kill him.

But now how was he supposed to befriend a killer? Alec was stumped. This was the first killer that he had ever been in a car with. Of course statistcally that wasn't true. Alec thought and complied his thoughts.

"Look at the stars." Magnus said breaking the one sided tension.

"Please don't kill me." Alec blurted which was nowhere near what he had planned to say.

Magnus looked confused then burst out laughing. After a couple minutes he was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down his face and he had to pull over.

Alec was going to die now and his lame last words were please don't kill me. He almost deserved what he was going to get. The doors were locked but if he was quick enough he could get out of the car and run away. Sure, he had no idea where he was but he could figure that out later; right now all that mattered was survival.

Alec acted like he was yawning and popped the lock, covering the sound with a clearing of his throat. Then he opened the door and bolted. Or so he wished. It didn't exactly work becuase he had forgotten his seatbelt. He slammed back against the seat and prepared to die.

"It helps to take your seatbelt off first." Magnus said through another round of laughter. Then he reached across the middle console and slid his hand down to Alec's hip to undue the seatbelt. His hand lingered a moment longer than it probably should then it was gone.

"You're going to let me go outside?" Alec asked with surprise.

"Of course. It's much easier outside." Magnus got out after Alec.

"The blood gets in the car right?" Alec asked.

"Yeah." Magnus turned to stare at Alec. "Wait what? What blood?"

"Mine?" Alec winced.

"Are you bleeding?" Magnus stepped closer and ran his hands along Alec's arms. "I don't see anything."

"Why are you doing this?" Alec yelped. "Please just let me go!"

Magnus dropped his hands and stepped away. "Sorry."

"Wait, you'll let me go?" Alec was shocked. Was getting away from a murderer that easy? How did people actually get murdered then?

"Of course. But if it's because of Clary, I promise nothing happened with her. My father's just a jackass."

"What? I don't care about that. I just don't want to be murdered by you."

"Alexander, I'm not going to kill you." Magnus frowned. "Is that why you've been so quiet? You thought I was just going to all of a sudden plunge a knife into your chest?"

"Or shoot me, or strangle me or-"

Magnus cut him off. "Alec, I'm not going to kill you. That's something I never thought I'd have to say."

"Then why are we out here?" Alec let out a sigh of relief.

"To look at the stars." Magnus jumped up on top of his car and held his hand out to Alec. "Come up here or I might still kill you."

Alec saw humor in Magnus's eyes. Seeing the guy standing on his car in the glow of the moon Alec wondered how he ever thought Magnus was going to kill him. He took his hand and jumped up.

"I was joking about the killing you thing. You know that right?"


"If anyone finds out about this no joke, I will murder you."

"Fair enough." Alec said and laid back next to him.

Question: What's your favorite thing to do when you're completely alone?

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