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I ran to the kitchen and saw Percy there. He looked worried. Who wouldn’t? With everything happening and the Earth rising. If I’m not a demigod, thinking about something like this is something in the imagination area only. When he saw me, he walked over to me.

“Why?” He asked immediately. I must’ve looked more worried than he was. 

“What?” I asked back.

“Something’s wrong. You can’t hide that” He said.

“I’m worried about Nico” I told him no longer having any way to hide it and since we were close to dying, I guess I can tell him anything.

“Why? What happened to Nico?” He asked when I sat down on one of the chairs.

“I saw him in my dream” I started. “I was going back to the past and he was there, at first it was just all right but then it turned into a dream” I said. “He’s in the Underworld right now and he is being chased” I said with tears threatening to fall. We just rescued him and now he’s out there again, close to death, closer to it than us.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine. It’s Nico we’re talking about” He said reassuringly. “He was so young when he started living alone and went to the dangerous world. He’s strong, I’m very sure of that” He said. I smiled weakly though I still felt worried. No one can remove that.

“Thanks Percy.” I said almost silently and rested my chin on my knees.

“You want some tissue, you look like you’re about to cry” He asked as he stood up.

“My nose is starting to be funny and some tissue would be nice” I said with a smirk plastered on my face. He smiled at me; he looks nice and is sure nice enough with just the perfect attitude to go with it. I’m glad Annabeth has him because she alone can control him.

“Where’s Annabeth?” I asked as he handed me some tissue.

“Oh” He said and scratched his hair. “She went out for a walk saying she needs some time to think.” He said disappointingly.

“Why aren’t you with her?” I asked what was on my mind.

“Well she said she can’t concentrate if she’s with some super cool guy like me” He said and motioned to his self. I laughed at that. He tried to looked confused though I see siliness behind it.

“What? What’s so funny about what I said?” He asked like he didn’t really know.

“Oh, so you’re super cool guy huh?” I said like I was not impressed.

“Not just super cool, but super awesome, handsome and everything that people love, including me” He said with pride.

“Oh of course you are” I said riding along. He sure can brighten a mood and anyone’s day.

“Good. Finally someone noticed” He said with a tired tone like some didn’t believe him, which was true.

“Consider me your first fan then.” I said.

“Maybe” he said and just shrug off. Then he turned somehow serious. I didn’t like it when he was serious like this, he’s pretty influential.

“I’m worried about Annabeth now though, it’s taking her a while now” He said with a frowning face.

“You can go. I’m fine already” I told him, now I’m the one calming him down. “I’m pretty sure that Annabeth can handle anything on her own, she’s really strong and wise” I said and he nodded along with it. I know and have proven that Annabeth is the smartest and wisest girl I’ve met.

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