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Yay! It’s baby Leo. Just the right chapter number, one of my four favorite numbers, 7. We’re on my 7th chapter and I am super happy. Leo’s my first male POV here. Congratulations! Hehe, so on with the story that is creeping me out.


“Oh bummer” I said when I accidentally dropped my hammer. I picked it up but there was definitely something creepy going on. I tried to lift it but it was heavier than usual. That was totally weird. I stood up and saw a spark somewhere down the hull of the ship. This was just weird for my ship.

Out of curiosity that can kill, I went to it. There I saw an image. Not just any image of someone, it was my Calypso. I went down to it and focused on everything about her. She was just darn beautiful never mind her real age.

Every day and night, I always remember my promise to her and I even made an oath to the River Styx to seal that promise. I will go back to her island and save her there. Even if she can never go away from her island, I’ll make sure that the time is right so that I can choose never to leave her side ever again.

I can make it back there. I am sure that I can.

“You really think that you can go back to that traitor Titan?” A voice seemed to say from nowhere. It was a beautiful and a very dreamy voice. Whoever was saying it sure would be really pretty, though I didn’t really like her nasty comment about my Calypso.

“Of course I am Leo Valdez” The voice said coming somewhere near my left. I looked at the source and there, a woman materialized. I somehow recognize her, if I am right, she was Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. How did she get here?

“You have too many thoughts Leo. Silly son of my, husband” She said reaching climax before the word husband. She was beautiful but I believe that Calypso looks better just being herself naturally. Her constant changing of looks makes it hard for her to stay in one beautiful face and her sick attitude was making her rotten inside too.

“Excuse me Miss. You seemed to be lost in my ship” I said when I had finally gathered my voice.

“You call this a ship?” She mocked. Did she just mock my ship? How dare she mock my ship?

“Well you’re on its hull” I answered. She was getting me angrier by the second. First she called my Calypso a traitor, then she seemed to be amused because of me and now she mocked my ship.      

“Well, I am not lost but I think you are the lost one here Leo” She said getting serious by the second.

“I came here to offer you two choices” She said. This was just becoming crazier.

“And why would I choose?” I said, mocking her now. I knew that what I was doing was dangerous but for all I know, we are there last and only resort. She lost a bit of confidence just for a second but got it back again. I really like my talent for annoying people. Works all the time.

“You have a tongue Leo; I hope that it’ll ask your mind first.” She said. Of course I do, what, that I could just magically talk without a tongue?

“Of course I have a tongue” I replied at her back sarcastically.

“You amuse and anger me at the same time, but now, listen to me” She said putting power in her voice. I was swayed by it and since I didn’t want to anger her any more than what I was already able to manage, I just kept my mouth shut.

“Good Valdez” She said. One second I was glad but I focused not to be fooled by it. What was I? A puppy? Nevertheless, it was better to be quiet. I decided to look down since her face wasn’t on the floor.

“I can give you the way to go back to your beloved Calypso” She said which made me face her right away. This was crazy.

“If you pick that, then the world you have always known will banish but you and Calypso will be safe there, just loving each other until I decide otherwise.” She said with persuasion, I can resist it and I know I will.

“What’s the other one?” I said liking the idea of my Calypso and I but regretting it the moment the world of civilization will fall. And to make her visit faster, it must end earlier.

“You will keep on steering this ship to your doom and your friends’ dooms. You’ll all die, I am sure of that” She said with conviction and power. It actually took me about a few seconds before my next reply.

“How are you so sure that we’ll all die anyway?” I asked demanding an explanation from her. She can’t let us die. I thought we were their pawns, as much as I hated the idea of that.

“There are about 99 of 100 percent that you’ll lose. Better safe than sorry Valdez” She said, now what? Using Science on me and making me agree with her but using my will, I tried my best to go with my real thoughts.

“What’s this, an advertisement?” I said jokingly. She just continued on shooting fire from her eyes, and I know that even if it was real, I wouldn’t be harmed anyway because this is Leo, fire-resistant, the hotness with the side of extra cool. I was awesome like that.

“No Leo, this is life or death” She said with so much seriousness that my smirk faded as quickly as it started.

“Why are you letting me choose?” I asked. ‘What will you get from this?” She smiled her creepy smile. I quickly got a bit nervous.

“Once you pick being with Calypso, with all my power, I’ll make sure you’ll stay safe and love each other. Where there is love, I will stay alive” She said and grinned like she’s already won over something which made her look like a monster. Because of the sight, I looked away.

‘Love is a savage monster. It will quickly consume your entire being and can make the love that you have suffer and die’ A voice in my head told me. I looked over where Aphrodite s and saw her smiling now. Some part of me believe her but with every second as she put charm in her voice, my willpower was getting out of hand.

She’s a goddess Leo, she can do that for you.

No, she’s just fooling you Leo.

But, she might be the only resort to finding your Calypso.

No Leo, you can do that all in your own.

Voices of different opinions bothered my mind.

“I’ll give you until before the 1st of August to choose Leo” She said and turned away. “I hope you’ll have a good sleep tonight” She smirked and in a blink of light, she was gone.

That could be a hallucination but it was far too real for me to even consider it one. I needed to choose and her voice stayed inside my head. It was all too crazy. Why would she do that? I could find Calypso, I know I would.

I knew that I had to fix the ship first but something made me want to fix that thing that could lead me to Calypso first.


A/N: Oh Leo, choose Calypso so I can finish the story already and so are for the rest of the characters; please don’t make this any harder.

I can’t believe how it is so hard to actually do stories so for all my favorite authors out there, I salute you.

For my readers, if there are any, please comment even just one word so I’d know if I actually have any readers. In a big world such as Wattpad, I’m so happy I can even see some reads on this story, so I thank you all so much.

Well this has been a long author’s note. So until then, there’s a vote button that exist with the comment box.

Love, Feeling Annabeth.

Just let me guys.

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