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DISCLAIMER: After 5 Chapters I finally decided to make a disclaimer. So yeah. I, a terrible author do not own anything from Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, Heroes of Olympus. They belong to Rick Riordan.

Characters and events in this story are just products of my daydreaming, active imagination and thinking. This disclaimer will be used for the rest of the chapters.

So on with the story.


“Hey Hazel” Frank’s voice greeted me once I stepped foot outside my bunk.

“Hey Frank” I greeted back. “So how’s the engine going?” I asked casually.

“Oh, Leo’s on it and I’m helping too” He said proudly.

“Aren’t you afraid of fire?” I ask him, my voice being edgy and somehow mischievous.

“Looks like I’m improving” He said and raised his head and put his arm over his chest. I laughed at him which made his stature break.

“Mind to take a walk out?” I asked because I really need to be with someone and being alone is killing me. I then remembered Nico. “I hope Nico’s okay” I said looking down.

“Why what’s wrong?” He asked all concerned. He knew how I was worried about Nico.

“I’ll tell you on the walk” I said. “If it’s okay with you”

“Why would I say no to my girlfriend?” He said as he let out an arm which I happily took.

“That’s my boyfriend” I said. As much as I love Frank, I could never forget Sammy. That’s why once a person enters your life, they couldn’t be forgotten.

We went out of the ship and holding each other’s hand, we walked side by side. I tried to hide my worriedness about Nico but trying wasn’t enough because Frank still noticed.

“It’s about Nico right?” He asked me looking worried for me too. I just humbly nodded.

“Well, now we’re walking so then, start talking” He said without meaning to make it rhyme. I smiled at the rhyme he made which caused him to smile too.

As we walked, I told him about my dream and how Nico raised my mother and everything. Frank was a good listener. He never stopped me from talking and made nods to keep me going.

When I was done talking, we were now sitting by a lake; the place where we landed was so beautiful. I removed the thought of beautiful when I remembered that it was Gaea we were talking about. 

“It’s beautiful here isn’t it?” Frank asked me which caused me to look at him.

“Yeah but if you think its Gaea, it’s not that beautiful” I told him.

“All I ever wanted was to live normally” He told me. “To study, grow up in a complete family. Think of everything simply and don’t have to fight and risk your life everyday” He confessed to me. I agreed with him. Even if that meant I wouldn’t see him and be in love with him. Though, a part of my mind tells me that I could’ve been married to Sammy and make Leo as my grandchild. I laughed inside at how funny that could’ve been but Frank was here and I knew I love him.

“You wouldn’t have me if you were normal” I pointed out to him as I tried plucking out little grass on the dirt. “You’d be off in some club and being chased by other girls for your hotness” I continued which caused him to chuckle.

“But then, I could never fill the hole in my heart that was meant for you to fill even if they did surround and chase me” He said and reached up to my hand. “I love you Hazel. You know that don’t you?” He told me.

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