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            The next day rolled by, the sun waking me up from my deep slumber. Somehow, Annabeth and I end up on the same bed. She stirs and I quickly close my eyes, pretending to be asleep. Then when her breath is fanning my face, I open my eyes to see if she’s back to sleep.

            “Got you peeking at me with those emeralds” She cheerily says and I curse in my mind. She’s always at least three steps ahead of me.

            “Yeah, yeah, no big deal” I say, trying to play on some loser card, maybe I can get to her through sympathy.

            “Awww….” She says, and for a quarter of a second, I believe that maybe she will have sympathy. “But you’re not getting to me through that Seaweed Brain” She tells me, and there she got me again. Now she’s four steps ahead of me.

            “I could marry you right now” I say, not letting it to slip like that but it’s too late. Her eyes widen at what I said, considering if I’m joking or not. Maybe if we could, I would’ve done that long ago but since we can’t….

            “You almost got me there Seaweed Brain” She says and laughs, her voice like bells, not the annoying one, but the bells that make you feel alive and good.

            “I almost did, didn’t I?” I say, and at that moment, I get an idea but I’m going to be needing help.

            “Ha Ha” She says very sarcastically, and it empowers my idea more. “Well you better get dressed, I think you peed looking at me” She says, and using my legs, I try to feel if it’s wet but when I look at her, she’s laughing at me.

Again. Everytime.

            “Ha Ha” I say, copying her, therefore mocking her.

            “Good morning Seaweed Brain” She says, smiles then leaves before I could even decide to reply. That’s when I finalized my plans. I have to be very secretive about it if I could ever make it work.


            At breakfast, we regained our appetites and ate pretty well, I guess the mood must be affecting it.

            I’ll have to talk to Piper about this and just trust her to make this kept into a secret. And I do, after breakfast, I find her with Jason, checking this way and that, taking it in that the coast is clear, I continue trotting to where they sit.

            “Piper, Jason, I need your help” I say to them, I make no greetings anymore, because I have to make this work as early as I could.

            “Yeah sure why not?” Piper tells me and I feel really relieved. “What is it anyway?” Piper says, speaking for the both of them and I tell them my plan, still looking sideways and that, making sure no other ears heard them, especially the girl with gray eyes.

            By the end Piper seems to barely control herself and I’m really glad for Jason’s help. “Oh my gods, really? Well of course. Then worry, I’ll take care of it. You have to worry about nothing, just come when it’s ready” She tells me through a voice that’s barely contained.

            “Thank you so much Piper. It really means a lot to me but I just can’t sit around so when you need me, I’m here.” I say because I really can’t and I won’t be waiting when I’m needed, I’m mostly going to stick but see Annabeth too so she won’t be too suspicious.

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