Chapter 8

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"WHHAATT!!!" Katie shouted making Hendry cringe.

"Look i just want to stay as friends alright." Hendry said while looking at Katie who was looking at him.

"I-I don't get it. I....i mean we could have been something special!" Katie said grabbing onto his shoulder.

He looked at her and pulled his shoulder back and look at Katie with serious eyes making her take a step back,

"Look i tried to see where this would lead too but it just didn't work out okay......anyways I have to go." Hendry said about to leave but Katie grab his arms.

"WAIT!! L-Let's do a redo. Start over and try again and s-see why it leads us." Katie beg making Hendry look at her.

They both look up when they heard Everest and Thunder calling Hendry's name. Hendry pulled his arm back and kneel down to the pups size and smiled when Everest was wagging her tail.

"Dude hurry up! Ryder already at the beach waiting. Oh hi Katie." Everest said happily while looking back at Hendry who smiled.

"Alright lets get going. Oh and the answer no Katie okay. Just leave it like that and were just gonna be friends alright." Hendry said dead serious.

Katie was shock and hurt watching her crush walk away with Everest and Thunder who were racing each other and telling Hendry to hurry up. Katie growled and ran back to her home thinking of something to get Hendry back. Ryder sigh when he was relaxing on the chair while the pups were playing around. He pulled down his sunglasses when he saw Hendry, Everest and Thunder running towards the group making him smile softly. Hendry smiled softly back and watch the two pups run to the others who were building a sand castle.

"Hey beautiful." Hendry smirk and hug Ryder when he stood up.

"Hendy." Ryder chuckle and looked at the pups who were now chasing the seagulls.

"What. I can't hug my lover in public and show everyone that you belong to me." Hendry smirk and kiss Ryder who smiled softly and kiss back.

They were kissing softly and Hendry pulled Ryder closer making Ryder gasp allowing him to deepen the kiss and make Ryder go weak in his arms. Before anything happen their was a pull on Hendry's short.

"W-What?" Hendry ask confused.

They both looked down to see Alex holding a ball smiling.

"Hey mister can you play beach ball with us. You two Ryder." Alex said smiling brightly.

Hendry eye twitch while Ryder chuckle and nod his head. He grab his annoyed lover hand and drag him to the court where the other kids where waiting. Ryder then gasp softly when he saw Katie talking to one of the little girls and looked at Hendry who was glaring at her. 

"Katie I'm gonna get Ryder's friend to be on my team! Let's play!!" Alex cheered.

Katie nod and grab Ryder's arm and glare at Hendry and smirk. She pulled Ryder to her side not knowing the the pups were watching now and that Hendry was looking at her deadly. Alex served the ball first and past it to Hendry who smiled and hit the ball towards Ryder who chuckle and was about to hit it but Katie lung forward and hit the ball back.

"Sorry Ryder! I got to beat him!" Katie apologize making Ryder blink. 

Alex hit the ball back and Hendry gave a boost to a little girl who laugh and hit the ball toward Katie. She smirk and hit the ball but it went behind her and landing next to her side making her scream no. Alex and his team cheer while Hendry blew a kiss at Ryder when Katie was not looking. Ryder chuckle and rolled his eyes but looked at Katie who was angry. Katie grab the ball and threw it up hitting it over to Alex's side. Hendry lung forward and hit the ball making it go to Ryder who jump up and smack it towards Hendry who gasp and tried hitting it but failed making Ryder smile.

"Awesome job Ryder. Now be ready my friend your gonna help me!" Katie smirk at Ryder who looked confused.

Alex served the ball towards Hendry who hit the ball making it go to a little boy on Katie's side. He smiled and pass the ball to his friend who smiled and hit the ball toward the little girl who chuckle and pass it towards Hendry who smirk and hit it but Katie ran and smack the ball as hard as she can making it fly towards Alex who gasp.   Ryder gasp worried for Alex but sigh in relief when Hendry grab Alex out the way when the ball smack the sand as hard as it can. Katie scream in happiness and jump up and down. Hendry glare at her making Ryder walk towards her.

"Katie that was ve-!" Ryder gasp when Katie pulled him forward and kissed him on the lips.

The pups all gasp and the children all said ew but Hendry was more then angry. He was furious and he was walking towards Katie who smiled and pulled back from Ryder.

"Sorry Ryder. I'll make it up to you." Katie whisper making Ryder turn around and see Hendry.

Thunder gasp and the pups looked at Thunder who stood up but Chase held him back.

"No! Let Ryder handle this! He knows what he doing." Chase order making Thunder whine.

Katie was smirking thinking that Hendry was gonna hit Ryder for kissing her and will beg for her forgiveness and allowing them to get back together but oh was Katie wrong. It was mostly the other way around for her and she was the one targeted.  

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