Chapter 33

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Ryder was at the beach relaxing next to Hendry who was watching the pups play beach ball with each other. His tail was wagging slowing and his ears perk up when he heard a baby cry. Ryder ears also perk up and he looked toward the sound to see the mother holding her baby who was now calming down and sleeping peacefully. Hendry smiled softly while Ryder just kept watching and looking at the baby sleep peacefully.

"Ryder, you okay?" Hendry asks making Ryder blink and looks at his lover.

"O-Oh yeah, just dozing off." Ryder chuckles while laying his head down and looking at his phone to see it was Tuesday.

"Hey, don't worry. Everything will be fine." Hendry said nuzzling his mate who smiled and nuzzles back.

"I know...just worried," Ryder said making Hendry smiled and nod.

Ryder smiled but blink when he heard something and his ears perk when he heard a cat whining. He looked around and saw a yellow kitten on a toy boat with a little girl smiling. Ryder stood up and Hendry watch as his lover walk into the water where it was a little bit shallow and grab the kitten and told the little girl something. He then walks back to the sand and let the kitten go to the girl's mother who thanks, Ryder while she was feeding her baby.

"He's adorable," Ryder said rubbing his finger close to the baby's chubby checks.

"Thank you." The mother smiled softly at her baby seeing him fall asleep. 

Hendry smiled but sniff the air and looked at Ryder shocked and a bit turn on because Ryder's scent was letting his mate know that he also wanted a child. Of, their own. Ryder wave bye to the mother and walk back to Hendry who was looking down and swallow down his lust but his tail was wagging fast and happy. Ryder raises a brow at the tail making Hendry chuckle and shrug.

"M-Mind of its own." Hendry coughs. 

Ryder chuckle and sat down leaning close to Hendry and nuzzling him while purring softly. Hendry sighed and lean close to looking at the mother who was now cleaning her daughter's face and chuckling when her husband tried changing his son's diaper. Hendry couldn't help himself but imagine if they were able to have a family of their own. How their daughter or son would be beautiful having Ryder's beautiful brown hair. He looked down to but groan softly when he smelled the same scent on Ryder. He had to pull away or he might take Ryder here and now. Heck, he'll even try to make Ryder pregnant. (I don't know, Hendry. It's up to the readers. What do you guys think? Should I make this story a Mpreg or not?? I would love to but it's up to you, my wonderful readers!!)

"R-Ryder I-I'm gonna go check on the pups. B-Be right back." Hendry said and stood up fast and walk away while Ryder looked confused at his lover.

Hendry sighed in relief when he was away from the smell and he decided to call Starlynn and ask her if it's possible for Ryder to even become pregnant. He dials the number and smiled when she picked up on the second ring.

"Hendry, how can I help you," Starlynn said.

"Just wanted to check how things are going with the cure," Hendry said while looking at the pups bark happily.

Hendry heard Starlynn sigh sadly making him know that things weren't going great.

"Terrible. Were not even close to a cure. I am sorry that it's taking slow." Starlynn said making Hendry smile.

"No, it's fine. We completely understand. Science it hard so take your time." Hendry said.

"Thank you. Also, I feel like you want to ask me another question." Starlynn said.

"Y-Yeah...Ummm this might sound weird but is it...I don't know possible for Ryder to...ugh." Hendry sighed and pulled his hair back. "I-Is it possible for Ryder to get pregnant in this feline form when his heat hit."

Starlynn was quite on the other side of line making Hendry think it was stupid to even ask her.

"Omg...I didn't even THINK of that!! I forgot that only queen's heats while toms get runts. It's a good thing you told me this Hendry!" Starlynn said.

"W-Wait you mean i-it's possible!!" Hendry said looking shocked.

"There is a chance, but his body would have to change to make him able and we still haven't gotten data from Ryder's blood yet. Your blood reveals that you only get runts and your body is not going through changes but for Ryer...We have nothing so far." Starlynn said.

"God..wait! His heat is coming and he keeps sending me a smell that let me know that he wants to have children with me." Hendry said seeing Ryder looking at the family once again.

"Oh, my stars. Just watch him okay!" Starlynn said and hung up.

Hendry groans and put his hands on his face and pulled them down to see Ryder walking towards him. He sighed and took a deep breath and sighed it out knowing that he'll have to watch Ryder closely.

"Is everything okay?" Ryder asks putting his hand on Hendry's shoulder.

"Y-Yeah, it's fine," Hendry said trying his best to hold himself down when Ryder was close to him making it hard to not smell that beautiful smell of wanting a family.

"You sure?" Ryder asks leaning closely. "You seem tense." 

Hendry strength just snaps and he grabs Ryder by his shoulder making him lean on a rock wall. Thank god Hendry was far from the people and pups. Ryder's eyes went wide and he gasps when Hendry took a sniff in his neck making him shiver. Hendry growled and touch Ryder who whines and didn't know his cent was release so much smells letting his mate know that he wants a child. From him, and only him. That made Hendry groan and push his hard crotch close to Ryder's entrance when he was carrying him.

"You want me inside you don't you," Hendry growled deeply with lust.

"Y-Yess." Ryder mewled.

"You want more than that, huh," Hendry said close to his lover's ear. "Tell me what you exactly want Ryder." 

Hendry demanded while pushing is crotch harder to Ryder's entrance that was cover in his swim short. Ryder mewled and tired pulling his shorts off but Hendry stops him making him whine.

"Tell me or I can't help," Hendry growled.

"I-I want y-your pups i-inside me. P-Please..I-I want to have your kids." Ryder mewled while looking at Hendry with lust and want.

Hendry growled and lean close to Ryder who mewled. He gasps when he was, pulled away from Ryder, who fell on the sand and looked where his mate was taken away.

"You idiot you had ONE job! ONE job!!!" Stacy growled while pointing her finger at him. least his sister stop him. Then they both looked up when they heard Ryder gasp in pain and was holding his body while shaking in so pain. 


A/N: What do you guys think. Should I make Ryder become pregnant with Hendry's pups or not?? I sure as hell want to to make the story intense with Humdinger but it's your decision my readers. You are the ones reading it so please tell me what you guys think about make Ryder pregnant with Hendry's kids.

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