Chapter 48

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A/N: The pic is my own drawing. And yes Hendry has a new haircut but that's gonna be for the next chapter on how Ryder reaction to his haircut. I just wanted to show you how it's gonna look like. In this chapter, it's still black like the cover photo.


Hendry barge in the hospital with Skye, Zuma, Marshall, and Thunder. He ran to the desk and demanded to know where Ryder was until he heard Kilala voice.

"Hendry over here darling!" Kilala said while waving her hand.

"Dr. Kilala how's Ryder!? Is he okay!?" Hendry asked worriedly.

"Come, I'll explain on the way. Just not here." Kilala said and walk down the empty hall and went inside the elevator.

The pups looked at Dr. Kiala who turn off the camera making sure it wouldn't hear them talk. She smiled and looked at Hendry who stilled looked worried and concern.

"Don't worry, Hendry. It's nothing too serious. It just pregnancy symptoms." Kilala said softly with a smile.

"W-Wait. Pregnancy symptoms? Are you saying Ryder is p-pregnant?" Hendry said looking at Kilala who smiles brightly.

"Yes! We haven't told Ryder yet because we had to give him some drugs to help reduce the pain. He's right now sleeping aaannndd why do you look shocked and all?" Kilala asked.

" he took a pregnancy test and the results were negative," Hendry said looking at Kilala chuckle.

"Sometimes pregnancy test have false results, honey. You should have come to me to see if he was pregnant or not." Kilala said turning the camera back on and smiled when the door open.

They step out to see it was a VIP room for special guest. She nods her head when they saw Ryder's room. Hendry and the pups ran to the room and open it to see Ryder sleeping peacefully with Chase, Rocky, and Rubble next to his legs and side. Ellie and Val smiled at Hendry and walk to Dr. Kilala who smiled at them and told them to not speak of this to no one. She also told them to tell Mr. Porter that Ryder was fine and that it was a bad stomach and that Ryder was going to be okay. Hendry didn't pay attention but went to Ryder and nuzzle him softly with tears falling down.

"Y-Your okay.." Hendry sobs softly with a smile.

The pups all jump on the bed and nuzzle close to Ryder. They stay there with him until he woke up and he did. Around 11:25 a.m Ryder groan and open his eyes and looked around seeing his pups sleeping peacefully on the bed he was in and he looked to his right to see Hendry sleeping next to his arm and holding his hand.

"H-Hendry," Ryder whisper and watch as Hendry gasp awake and smile brightly seeing Ryder awake.

"Ryder!" Hendry cried and holds his boyfriend close making Ryder cry too.

The pups all woke up and were wagging their tail happily. Ryder smiled while wiping away his tears and looked at the pups while rubbing their heads.

"Oh, how wonderful you're awake, Ryder." Kilala smiled.

"D-Dr. Kilala." Ryder said looking at her.

"You gave me a fright when I saw you crying in so much pain. Thank goodness it wasn't anything bad." Kilala said making Ryder raise a brow.

"W-What do you mean?" Ryder asked.

"Well, Ryder your pregnant, honey." Kilala smiled brightly. "Your about four weeks pregnant!"

Ryder looked at Dr. Kilala and started to cry softly making Hendry smile softly and hug his lover with the pups wagging their tails happily.

"Now I can smell it!" Skye and Rocky said smelling Ryder.

"Ohh! Me too!!" Rubble and Marshall said together.

Thunder, Chase, and Zuma smelled Ryder making him blush when the pups were barking happily about a baby coming to join their family. Ryder smiled at Hendry who chuckles and hugs him seeing the pups talking about the baby gender.

"I'm glad everyone is happy about the news and all but Ryder I have some bad news too." Dr. Kilala said sadly.

"What is it?." Hendry asked concern.

"Well...How can I put this? Well, I believe Ryder symptoms well be different from a female. I believe Ryder will have twice the pain when he gets cramps, great effects on dizziness, and more nauseous." Kilala said looking at Ryder looked down nervously. "But don't worry. If I'm right. I believe those should go away about a month."

Hendry nod and sighed.

"When can he go back home?" Chase asked for everyone.

"Well, he can go home today. Right now I just want to make sure everything is okay and fine. I will also give you the medicine for everything." Kilala smiled.

"Alright." Ryder smiles softly.

~Five Minutes Later~

"Don't worry. I'm here." Hendry said softly while rubbing Ryder's shoulder.

The pups went home to bring Ryder clothes leaving Hendry with him. Sadly, a sharp pain hit him again making Ryder crying softly and hugging Hendry. He gasps again when another hit him and begging for Kilala to come with the medicine. Hendry held Ryder tightly wishing he can just take away the pain from Ryder. Lucky, Dr. Kilala came inside and gasp when she saw Ryder crying softly and Hendry holding him.

"Oh, dear. Here this should help." Kilala said poking a needle inside a tube and watching it go inside Ryder's blood system.

Ryder sigh in relief feeling the pain lessen and looking at Kilala graceful. Kilala chuckles and gave Hendry the bag of medicine for the pregnancy, the pain, and everything else.

"Also...please don't tell anyone about this," Kilala said making Hendry and Ryder look at her.

"Why?" Ryder asked to confuse.

"I notice you telling your nurses not to say a word and how you turn off the camera. Why's that doc." Hendry said standing up and glaring at her. "Are you hiding something from us."

"Of course's just...someone has been looking through our files, data, and cameras seeing if there was anything...special," Kilala said. "My husband also took notice that the person was looking up mostly male data."

Hendry looked at Kilala while Ryder looked worried.

"You think someone knows about my ability to become pregnant?" Ryder asked.

"Perhaps...that would explain why the person is searching up mostly male data and all," Kilala said worriedly. "That's why I did all that and telling you not to say a word to anyone...yet."

Hendry nod understanding and saw the pups running in the room carrying Ryder's clothes and smiling brightly. Ryder smiled and watch as Kilala took off everything that was connected to Ryder and she smiled softly at him and nod. This was gonna be an adventure for the Paw Patrol but they're determined to face it together.

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