Chapter 31

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A/N: There's little smut here in this chapter but no nsfw. Besides that everything is okay.


Ryder groans in pain and tried getting up only to whine in pain. His ears went down and his tail was now tapping on the bed. He huffed and tried to remember why his whole body hurt but it then strikes him like lightly. His face turn red and he meowed in embarrassment. What he doesn't know is that his heat was coming closer now since they mated.

"Ryder how you doing?" Hendry asks while walking into the room holding a pain pill and water.

Ryder looked at Hendry, who was shirtless and wearing sweats. He purred softly but shook his head but he couldn't stop purring making him sigh.

"O-Okay just my throat and waist hurt," Ryder said while grabbing the water and pill.

"Well, we did have sex 6 times," Hendry said while scratching his dog ear.

Ryder started coughing on his water making Hendry tap on his back quickly and looked at Ryder concern.

"W-WHAT!!" Ryder meowed.

"Hehee yeah." Hendry blushed while looking away.

"Oh god..." Ryder sighed while slamming his face on the pillow.

Hendry smiled and nuzzle close to Ryder, smiling brightly when he didn't smell Katie scent anywhere but only his and Ryder scent mix together.

'Perfect' Hendry thought.

Ryder smiled softly while watching his lover cuddle and nuzzle close to his neck. He opens his arms and Hendry smiled knowing that Ryder wants to cuddle so he jumps on the bed too. Ryder looked at Hendry who was looking at him too and kissed his lips softly making Ryder close his eyes. Hendry growled and deepen the kiss making Ryder lean close to Hendry wrapping his legs around him. Hendry growled and thrust his hard crotch against Ryder entrance making him pull back from the kiss.

"H-Hendry~~" Ryder purred and gasp again when Hendry did it again. "T-Take t-them ohh~~" 

Ryder mewled and held Hendry close while he bites his neck one more time but sighed and shook his head.

"N-No...sorry love. You need rest." Hendry said while stopping at what he was doing making Ryder whine.

Hendry smiled and laid back down on the bed and held Ryder close who was now fussy and glaring at Hendry with his tail hitting the bed.

"Ryder we can't. You need to relax. What going on with you?" Hendry chuckles and looked at Ryder who shook his head.

Ryder blinked and look confused but looked at Hendry who was also confused on Ryder attitude. Hendry was about to ask him something until the room of Ryder's burst open reveal Stacy and Dr. Starlynn who was covering her eyes.

"Get up lazy asses!! Doc wants to talk to you." Stacy said but blink when she saw her brother over Ryder while growling but he shook his head.

"Y-Yeah okay," Hendry said.

"Terrible sorry but it's important," Starlynn said.

~Foggy Bottom~

"Mmmhhh." Humdinger smirk when he saw a video of Ryder walking out of Katie's shop. "Seem like my kitten had made Ryder a cat too." 

Mayor Humdinger laughs while petting the police cat who smirk.

"From the looks of it, he probably got the genes from you, my sweetheart." Mayor Humdinger said looking at the firefighter kitten. "It makes me wonder if he also has your heat cycle to my darling." 

Mayor Humdinger stood up and walk to the calendar and look through the dates and smirk when he saw that the firefighter kitten heat was coming in two weeks. Hew chuckle and looked at the video again seeing how Ryder's cat ears and tail were out and moving.

"Excellent indeed." Humdinger chuckle.


"WHAT!!!!" Ryder and Hendry shouted together.

"Yes, you'll be in heat in two weeks," Starlynn said.

"What if they had sex already Doc?" Stacy said while Hendry glare at his sister.

"Will that would make Ryder's heat come closer so if you did it yesterday then.......I believe it would come on Thursday." Starlynn smile.

Ryder was blushing the whole time and looking at his hands and back up at Starlynn.

"H-How is that possible!!??" Ryder mewled and cover his mouth.

"Well, you have the same genes as the firefighter kitten so you'll to be careful now," Starlynn said while standing up.

She left the two alone and Stacy chuckle and went to ruff Hendry's hair.

"Just watch him okay." Stacy smiled and left the tower.

Ryder sighed while looking at Hendry who sighed and pulled his hair back. He looked at his phone to see it was Friday making him sigh.

"Don't worry. Well figure this out together." Hendry smiled and nuzzle Ryder who sighed and nod his head while nuzzling back. 

The pups ran inside the tower smiling and ran to the T.V. to play pup pup boogie. Ryder smiled when he saw Thunder and Chase dancing and seeing who can beat who. Hendry smirk and pulled Ryder close and watch as Skye, Rocky, and Zuma was cheering on Chase while Marshall, Everest, and Rubble were cheering Thunder. They laughed when Chase and Thunder both gave up at the same time and fell on the pad laughing.

"Come on Ryder! Play with us!!" Rocky bark happily.

"Yeah!!" Skye said smiling.

"I don't know guys. How about we play outside." Ryder smiled.

"YEAH!!" The pups said and ran outside making Hendry chuckle.

They went outside and the sun was shining making it a perfect weather to play. The pups were playing soccer with Hendry who was chasing the ball with his tail wagging happily. Ryder though didn't want to play but he was relaxing in a shady spot with little sunlight spots showing. He sighed and just let his mind relax and push away all the problems he'll be facing. Hendry chuckles and looked up to see Ryder sleeping peacefully on the blanket he set for him and gasp when Rocky took the ball away from him. Thunder and Everest stop to get some water from the bowl and chuckle when they saw Hendry take the ball away from Skye who barks and chase after him.

"This is fun, to be Ryder isn't playing," Everest said looking at Ryder who was still sleeping under the shade.

"Come on Everest. You know cats don't play like dogs. They go after laser pointers or whatever move for them." Thunder said licking his snout.

"That's is true.....Hey! We should bring some so he can play!" Everest said tail wagging.

"Great idea!! Let's do that!!" Thunder bark happily.

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