Chapter 40

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Ryder was rescuing a yellow kitten that was stuck in a tree with Hendry's help. They were both walking through Adventure Bay to help Ryder calm down from a nightmare he had. They saw the little girl trying to get her kitten down that Ryder decided to go help her. The kitten happily went to Ryder since he smelt like one of her kind so she happily went to his hands and Ryder purred happily.

"Okay! I'm coming down." Ryder said sitting on the tree branch and jumping off and Hendry caught him in his arms.

"Yayy! Chocolate your saved!" the little girl smiles brightly while hugging her kitten. "Thank you, kitty Ryder and puppy Hendry!" 

The little girl hug them both and ran back to her home while waving bye to the two boys. Hendry chuckles and looked at Ryder, who was sending the same scent to Hendry like the beach. Hendry grunts and cover his nose again and took a deep breath to calm himself down and sigh.

"I'm doing it aren't I..." Ryder asks making Hendry look at his lover.

"D-Doing w-what," Hendry said.

"The scent..." Ryder said while putting his hand on his stomach. "I-I know...I also want to have a kid but..."

Ryder gasp when he felt himself be pulled into a hug and feel Hendry nuzzle him on his neck.

"Hey, it's okay. Whatever my father did to you. It made you really uncomfortable to bare a child. I'm fine with it. I'm not mad or sad Ryer. I can wait once your ready. I don't want to force you to do things that your not comfortable to do. Okay." Hendry said looking at Ryder who was crying softly.

Ryer hiccup and nod his head hugging Hendry close and rubbing his face on his chest still sending the scent to Hendry who huff and nuzzle his lover. Katie was walking down the streets holding a bag and Cali next to her. Cali looked up when she smelt Ryder and meowed when she saw him with his mate and went walking to him since she smelt Ryder being sad. Katie sighed when she finally got to her parlor and gasp when she didn't Cali and looked around.

"Cali? Cali where are you?" Katie said looking around.

Ryder gasp when he felt something rubbing on his leg making him look down.

"Cali? What are you doing here?" Ryder asks grabbing her and holding her in his arms.

Hendry looked around and sniff the air trying to see if Katie was around.

"I don't see or smell Katie around," Hendry said while rubbing Cali who mewled happily.

"We should return her. Come on." Ryder said while nuzzling close to Cali face who nuzzle back.

Hendry chuckle when he heard both felines start purring happily. They walk to Katie's Parlor and stop when they heard her screaming Cali's name. Hendry chuckle while Ryder smile. They walk to her and Katie gasp when she saw them and smile when she saw her cat.

"Thank goodness. She disappeared on me when we were walking. Thank you two." Katie said grabbing Cali who meowed.

"It was no problem." Ryder smile.

Hendry nod at Katie who looks at them nervously and sigh.

"L-Look...I want to apologize for every harm I have caused...I didn't mean to cause harm or anything." Katie said while looking at the two lovers. "I-I was just jealous that Ryder had you and all...Truly, I'm sorry." 

Ryder's face was shocked while Hendry had a blank face and walk towards Katie who gasps and looks him.

"We accept your apology but it'll take time for me to trust you," Hendry said while ruffling Katie's hair. 

Ryder smiles softly at his mate and went to grab his arm while nodding his head at Katie.

"It's okay, Katie. Feelings make us do crazy things." Ryder said.

Katie smiled and nodded her head at the two boys.

"Well, we better get going. See you around, Katie." Hendry said.

"Y-Yeah. Bye, you two." Katie said waving her hand.

They walk away from Katie with Ryder leaning close to Hendry's arm and purring happily.

"I'm glad you forgave her, Hendry," Ryder said looking at him.

"Well, I can't stay mad at her forever. Sooner or later I have to forgive her." Hendry said.

Ryder purred once again and rub his head on Hendry's shoulder making him look at his lover and smiles at him. They went to Stacy's Gym and went inside to see that it was busy. Stacy was helping some people with workouts and smiled when she saw her brother and Ryder. Hendry wave and went to the backroom and went upstairs with Ryder.

"Hey, you want something to drink?" Hendry asks looking at Ryder who was purring happily and his tail swaying. "Ryder?"

Hendry walks towards his lover and gasps at the strong scent Ryder was sending again but twice stronger than ever. Ryder was smiling softly while watching the children playing in the playground across the street and a mother playing with her baby who was crawling. The baby tried standing and once it did it started walking toward her mother who cried in joy. The father was behind cheering for his princess who started walking towards them and giggling. Ryder's tail was swaying even faster and smiled more showing his teeth when the baby made it to her parents and with them cheering happily and hugging their baby. He sighed and gasp when he was pulled into a hug and looked at Hendry who was trembling badly and taking deep breaths. 

"S-Stop..I-I f-fuck..." Hendry growled lustfully and held Ryder tightly.

Ryder blinks and blushes deep red knowing what Hendry meant.

"S-Sorry!" Ryder whines while trying to stop the scent but couldn't.

"R-Ryder..." Hendry gowled making him lay down on the bay window couch.

Ryder mewled and lean close to Hendry who growled and kissed him deeply making him moan and wrap his arms around him. He gasps when Hendry attack his neck making his tail wrap around Hendry's leg. He mewled when Hendry started rubbing his crotch with his. Hendry pulled back and looked at his lover's beautiful eyes and went down to kiss him.

"HEY, I GOT NEWS FROM THE DOCS!!" Stacy said with a smile on her face but frown. "Oh, god! Not there!!"


A/N: Hehee I forgot to put a warning for little smut. Oh well. 

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