Chapter 57

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Ryder smiled softly when everyone in Adventure Bay came to their baby shower.

"Awww it's a girl."

"How many are in there?"

"How are you holding up?"

"Are you and Hendry excited for the bundle of joy?" 

"Can't wait to see a new member of Paw Patrol."


"That's amazing!!" 

"How lovely."

"Ohh, the excitement." 

"Don't worry honey. You'll do great."

Ryder blushed while rubbing his hair. He doesn't let getting too much attention from the Adventure Bay people but he had to get the hang of it. Hendry, on the other hand was on edge when he got attention for everyone else. He was used to all the hate he got about his father being Mayor Humdinger.  He isn't used to the kind words the Adventure Bay people threw at him.

"T-Thanks," Hendry said blushing while pulling his hair. 

The pups were having fun with the games and treat not paying attention to the humans. Steve was watching the pups with his son next to him trying to look tough too. Stacy planned out everything for the baby shower. Hendry and Ryder were very grateful but shocked that she made it at City Hall. Mayor Goodway allowed it since she was happy about a new addition to Adventure Bay. Ryder smiled softly when he got another gift from some else. He put it in the present section and sighed.

"This is too much attention for me." Hendry whisper.

"Don't worry love. You're doing great." Ryder smiled softly and kissed Hendry softly.

Hendry has been feeling better after the months. He manages to talk to Ryder about his nightmares and much more. Making them closer than ever. There was only one month to go. They were in November and things were going crazy. There have been more rescues but lucky Hendry has been doing those while Ryder was resting and not going into harm's way.

"Congratulation Ryder and Hendry," Katie said handing her friends gifts.

"Thank you, Katie." Ryder smiled softly grabbing one present while Hendry grabs the other.

"Yeah," Hendry said grabbing the other present from Ryder and walking back to the present table.

Katie smiled and look at Ryder's belly seeing it tied with a pink ribbon making her chuckle.

"Cute. Anyways have you thought of a name for the baby?" Katie said happily.

"Yes, we both decided to name her, Olivia." Ryder smiled softly while touching his stomach.

"That's a beautiful name." Katie smiled but gasp when she saw Cal trying to sneak a snack.

She left when Hendry came back and raise a brow at Ryder who chuckled and pointed at Cal.

Everyone was having a great time and enjoying the snacks, food, and games. The games they played were Don't Say, Baby, Mommy, and Daddy's secret, Baby Sketch Artists, and Drink Up, Baby! Hendry and Stacy were both playing Drink Up, Baby for fun and Hendry won that game. In Don't Say, Baby tons of people were having fun but some of them lose. It was hard not to say baby but everyone lost their chance to win. The winner of the game was Kilala. In Baby Sketch Artists everyone was drawing on their plastic plates and had to picture how the baby looks. Hendry was laughing at some while Ryder was chuckling. Some drawings were amazing and some were crazy. The winner of the game was Joshua. In the Mommy and Daddy's secret each guest had to ask the parents secrets and write them down and once they were asked twenty question they got put together and given to the parents for fun. They were now cutting the cake which had three layers making Hendry look at his sister in disbelief while she shrugs. They all enjoyed the delicious cake and the pups had their own cake to eat. Then they started opening the present making Ryder blush like crazy when all the attention was towards him.

Ryder smiled at each gift, thanking each person for the gift, and getting pictures with the people. He sighed when they went to snacks and cake. Hendry chuckles and holds his lover close and rubbing his stomach.

"Soon, will be parents," Hendry said happily.

"I know," Ryder said softly looking at Hendry.

Hendry smiled but gasp when he heard Steve barking. Ryder also looked up and went outside to look at the pups and dog in disbelief.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything," Ryder said while Steve chuckle.

"We know but we wanted too!!" Rocky barked happily.

"Yeah!" Everest and Skye said together.

"Each one of us bought a gift for little Olivia." Rubble said happily.

"Yeah, it wasn't easy wrapping." Marshall chuckled.

"For them." Zuma and Thunder said together while laughing.

"It's to show how grateful we are to have you and Hendry as a family, and soon to be little Olivia!" Chase barked happily.

"Si! So open them!!" Tracker bark happily.

Everyone all cooed and looked at Ryder and Hendry. Hendry was smiling softly while Ryder has some tears falling making him chuckle and wipe them away.

"O-Okay okay." Ryder smiled brightly.

~One Hour Later~

Everything was clean up and everyone went home. Ryder and Hendry were looking through the gifts of each people in the Lookout while they had the pups presents in a different section. Hendry raised a brow seeing a shirt saying, "Watch Your F*cking Mouth Around The Baby."

"Ooookkkayyy.." Hendry said slowly while handing the shirt to Ryder who burst out laughing.

"This was made for you." Ryder laughed seeing it was a gift from Stacy. "Wow." 

Hendry rolled his eyes and smiled seeing Ryder laughing and smiling brightly at each gift. He truly couldn't wait until their baby was born and how things will turn for them.


A/N: Sorry this chapter was short but next one will be long. Also, my Spring break is OVER!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!! Homework, projects, studying, and TEST!! The horror. I won't even have time to think about my stories....what am I talk about, of course, I will. Anyways hope you enjoyed the baby shower!!

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