Chapter 49

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A/N: Before and After drawing! Beautiful aren't they. 0w0 


It's been about three weeks since they were told about the pregnancy and Hendry including the pups were very protective of Ryder. Whenever they were called for a dangerous rescue or anything to do with Mayor Humdinger. Hendry would go instead of Ryder because the pups and Hendry wouldn't let him go. Ryder would only go to an easy or harmless rescue. Ryder was only 7 weeks pregnant now and their baby was just a bean size. He has been vomiting a lot, feeling nausea and still gets sharp pain but lucky he has painkillers for those. He was also getting crazy cravings making the pups be worried about the baby while Hendry assures them that it's part of the pregnancy. 

Ryder just woke up in the morning but looked around not seeing his lover anywhere. He frowns and blinks when a sticky note fell from his forehead. He chuckles and grabs the paper seeing it was Hendry's handwriting.

Sorry, had to go the salon to fix my hair. Don't worry there's tons of food in the fridge for your craving. Also, I'll be back around 10:30 a.m. Don't get yourself hurt or do anything stupid. The pups will tell me if you did. 

Love you, Hendry.

Ryder chuckles but raises a brow seeing it was 8:15 a.m. He looked at the paper and looked so confused.

"Why that long..." Ryder said to himself.

He shakes his head and got off his bed and went to the kitchen in his pj. Thank goodness today was Sunday and everyone was sleeping or either relaxing because the weather was gonna be rainy today. He went to the fridge and lick his lips when he saw the banana cover in oats. He took it out and moan in delight when he ate it and looked at his stomach even if it wasn't showing yet.

"You are very picky about your food aren't you." Ryder chuckles.

He went to the living room and sat down happily eating his breakfast. He smiled when he felt Chase next to his arm and laying his head on his lap. He raises a brow and rubs Chase head hearing him whine softly.

"What's wrong, Chase?" Ryder asked softly.

"Rocky and I had a fight. We NEVER fought...this was our first..." Chase whined while nuzzling close.

Ryder sadly looked at Chase remembering Hendry and his first fight. Well, it was before they were even a couple. They were friends at first when they fought. He shook his head and scratch Chase's ear.

"Don't worry. You two will figure it out. You have been mates for about 10 months now. Almost a year now. You'll be okay." Ryder said softly hugging Chase when he finished his breakfast.

Chase smiled and nuzzle back feeling happy but still sad that he and his mate fought. They just relax there watching T.V waiting for the pups to come up. Rubble and Thunder came up smiling and sat with the other eating their breakfast happily. Then Marshall and Zuma came too. Finally, Skye and Rocky came making Chase look up and watch as Rocky ignore him and sat somewhere far from him with Skye behind making him sigh. Ryder smiled softly and rub Chase's fur whisper to him to be patient. They stayed there watching T.V when the elevator open. Thunder stood up smiling and ran to the elevator barking happily.

"What on hell earth did you do to your hair, Hendry!!" thunder barked out.

All the pups looked at Ryder who also looked confused ran to Thunder and Hendry leaving behind Ryder who blinks. Ryder stood up and walk toward where the pups ran and stop when he saw Hendry with wide eyes. Hendry chuckles while pulling his yellow hair back. He had his tip hair yellow while the bottom was black he also had it shave from his forehead and sides. Hendry smiles at Ryder nervously while blushing and scratching his nose.

"W-Well...what you think?" Hendry asked looking at Ryder.

Ryder smiled softly while blushing and went to Hendry and touch his hair and chuckle.

"So you decided to dye it half blonde?" Ryder asked, softy.

"What are you talking about, Ryder. Hendry's real hair color is blonde." Thunder bark.

Ryder and the pups looked at Thunder with a shock expression and looked at Hendry who was blushing crazy and looked at the window to embarrassed to look at them.

"I-I was ashamed to have my dad's hair I dyed it black..." Hendry said and pulled his blonde hair back. "I-I guess I just wanted to embrace that it's a part me now. Not let him bring me down." 

Ryder smiled while the pups were barking about imagining Hendry with blonde hair. He chuckles at them and hugs Ryder who smiled and nuzzles his face close to Hendry's neck. They went back to the living room and look out the window seeing it raining already making Hendry chuckle.

"Made it on time too." Hendry chuckles.

He smiled at Ryder but took notice of Chase not next to Rocky and Rocky not even looking at him. He looked at Ryder who sadly smiled at him and whispers out the one word. Fight. 

"Ohh." Hendry whisper.

He remembers their first fight. Wait does fighting with a friend even count as a first fight as a it doesn't but still it stung like hell. He smiled and nudge Ryder to go to Rocky while he goes to Chase to talk to them. Ryder smiled and nod his head and kiss Hendry while messing with his hair. Hendry chuckles and walks away from Ryder. He chuckles and went to Rocky and sat next to him making Rocky look at him.

"Is everything alright with you and Chase, Rocky?" Ryder asked softly.

"N-No..." Rocky whined softly. "We had our first fight..." 

Ryder smiled and pull Rocky close while looking at him.

"Care to tell me. Perhaps we can help you understand and see things clearly." Ryder smiled.

Rocky nod and told Ryder everything. What happens, why he's mad, and how it all began. Ryder chuckles softly knowing that Chase was starting to get more possessively of Rocky now. He even notices how easily he gets jealous whenever Rocky is around Marshall and MOSTLY Zuma. The reason for this fight was because Rocky was sleeping on Zuma by accident because he was too tired to even notice he fell asleep on Zuma. Sadly, Chase took it the wrong way and started to argue with Rocky when he went to their room. 

"So yeah..." Rocky whined. "I think he hates me now..." 

Rocky whines softly and nuzzles close to Ryder's stomach softly so he wouldn't harm the bean baby. Ryder smiles softly and rub Rocky's head and seeing Hendry walking towards them with Chase running to them.

"R-Rocky can we talk...please," Chase said looking at Rocky.

Rocky looked at Chase and looked at Ryder who smiled and nods. He agrees and follows Chase to their room to talk things out. Hendry smiled and sat next Ryder on the bean bag and hug Ryder stomach rubbing his face close to the belly. Ryder chuckles and kisses Hendry's forehead earning a kiss back from him.

"My two treasure..." Hendry said softly closing his eyes.


A/N: Hahahahaaa jokes on you. Hendry black hair wasn't his real hair color. He was actually a blonde like Stacy, Oliver, and Mayor Humdinger. 

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