Chapter 47

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Ryder woke up at 6:57 a.m feeling weird and a little bit dizzy. Sadly, Hendry wasn't here because he got called in early by Joshua at 5:30 a.m. He sighed and stood up to only feel his stomach turn making him run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. He groans and threw up again holding onto the toilet tightly. He started breathing harshly and tried calming down his breathing.

"P-Probably I ate something bad..." Ryder said while flushing the toilet.

He stood up and went to brush his teeth. He finishes and went to change into his regular clothes. He then went to go get something to eat but when he was eating his breakfast, it made his face twist and he spits out the food. He groans while putting his hand on his head because he was having a headache now.

"W-What's wrong with me?" Ryder whines while shaking his head.

He sighed and decided to skip breakfast. He went to check on the pups to see them happily running around playing tag with each other. thunder wasn't with them because he was with Hendry. He sighed and look at his pup pad to see he got a message from Hendry making him smile. He chuckles when he saw so many emjoi of hearts and heart faces. He texts his boyfriend back to receive a call from him when he just sent the text. 

"Yes," Ryder said happily.

"Ryder! Save me!" Hendry said with a bored face.

"I'm sorry Ryder but don't. He needs to stay here." Joshua said in the background making Ryder laugh.

"Sorry, can't rescue you now," Ryder said looking at Hendry's sad face.

"Damn it...hey are you okay?" Hendry said looking at his lover concern.

"Yeah. Why you ask?" Ryder said.

"You don't seem right to me today...are you sure your okay," Hendry asked seriously. 

Ryder smiled softly and was about to answer Hendry until his stomach made him feel nausea when he sniffs the smell of coffee. He covers his mouth and ran to the trash can still holding the pup pad and made it to the trash can cause he couldn't make it to the bathroom and threw up. He could hear Hendry screaming his name and asking if he was okay. Ryder coughed and threw up one more time and started to calm his breathing again. He held his stomach and groans when he started feeling lightheaded.

"RYDER!!" Ryder gasp and grab his pup pad that he dropped and saw a concern and worried Hendry. "What the hell was that!? Are you okay!???"

"I-I don't know...I d-don't feel so good." Ryder whines feeling tears rolling down his face. 

"Joshua fuck this! I'm heading home! Ryder needs me!!" Hendry shouted making Ryder look at the pup pad to see him moving and running out a room he was in.

"N-No s-stay. I'll be fine." Ryder begs while trying to stand.


Ryder blinks and started to tear up and cry softly. He didn't know why he was feeling so emotional. He stood up and groan when he feels dizzy once again. He sighed and gasp when the pup pad ring again. He looked down and saw it was Mr. Porter. He gulps and forces all the symptoms he was feeling down. He answers the call and hopes that this mission wouldn't take long.

~One Hour Later~

"Ryder thank you for coming. Everything is going crazy!" Mr. Porter said seeing his smoothie machine going crazy.

"Whoa, that's one crazy machine." Rocky chuckles.

"Careful!" Chase barked and pulled his mate back.

"Yikes!" Rubble yelp.

Ryder looked at the machine seeing it spray it drinks everywhere. He smiled but almost fell from feeling dizzy. Chase caught him and looked at his master worried.

"I'm fine." Ryder smiled softly. "Alright, Mr. Porter can you please cut your power to the machine so it can stop spraying its juices."

Mr. Porter nods and went to his electric box with Rubble behind. Ryder looked down to see Alex on his scooter and he looked at Ryder. 

"Ryder do you know why my grandpa machine went crazy?" Alex asked.

"I don't know, Alex. That's why we're here." Ryder smiled and looked at Alex's hands to see a Banana breakfast roll.

It was a banana that was cut and cover with oats. It may look disgusting to others but it looked delicious for Ryder.

"Um, Alex what is that you got there?" Ryder asks.

"Oh, it's my breakfast but I don't like it. Do you want it?" Alex asked.

"Of course. Thank you." Ryder smiled brightly and ate the banana happily.

He started feeling better since he ate something that his stomach actually keep inside. He sighed happily and watch as the machine finally stop. He swallows the banana feeling refresh and nods at Rocky who smiled.

"Lets do this!" Rocky chuckle and went inside with Ryder and Chase behind.

~One Hour Later~

"Whew, that was hard work." Rocky chuckle when he finally finished fixing the machine.

"Great job Rocky. You too Rubble and Chase." Ryder smiled while rubbing the pups head.

"Thank you! Here some delicious foods that I made. I know these are your favorite Ryder."  Mr. Porter said happily.

The pups ate their treats happily while Ryder smiled and put his treat in his mouth but frown when it tasted so wrong in his mouth. He shook his head and forced himself to swallow but boy was that a HUGE mistake. He felt a wave of nausea hit him and he ran to the closest trash can he saw and threw up in there. Chase, Rocky, and Rubble gasp at Ryder throwing up that they ran to him. Mr. Porter also got worried and ran to check on Ryder. Lucky, Alex went to the park to play on his scooter. Ryder coughs and coughs but threw up again and groan in pain when he felt a sharp pain around his uterus. He cried and lower himself on the floor holding tightly on his stomach and tremble in pain.  

"Ryder!" Chase barked worriedly.

"Chase what's wrong with him?" Rubble said worriedly.

"I don't know. Ryder, please talk to us." Chase whined.

Ryder shook his head and started to cry more feeling his emotion going crazy. Mr. Porter grabs Ryder in his arms and went to his car with the pups going to theirs and follow Mr. Porter to the hospital. They finally got to the hospital and they went inside and lucky Dr. Kilala was walking by with her husband, Lucas. Kilala gasp when she saw Mr. Porter carrying a crying Ryder that she pulled a bed to them.

"Put him here. Thank you. Honey, get Ellie and Val now!" Kilala shouted while pushing down the hall with Chase, Rubble, and Rocky following her.


A/N: Ahhhhhhhh those are symptoms of pregnancy! Believe me, folks, I saw my sister go through those symptoms. It was crazy!! Also, I did tons of research about pregnancy symptoms. It's crazy, on what you find and can use for your stories. Hehee anyways here this wonderful chapter. 

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