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Namjoon's POV

After I changed back into my hybrid form, everyone noticed how skinny I was for my height and age.

Jin asked me to come upstairs to his room, so I followed him.

"Joonie, sit on the bed for me for a second"

He said smiling, and I nodded with understanding.

He walked over to the a drawer and pulled out some underwear for me. They were a dark Navy blue color. He then went into a small room full of clothes. He looked at some shirts and pants and looked back at me. He handed me a black t-shirt, and some greyish joggers. I put them on and he handed me a greyish jacket to match the pants. I put them on, but I noticed that they were kind of loose.

"Those are some of the smallest clothes that I have. I gave them to you because we're all going out to buy lots of stuff for you today~!"

He excitedly informed me.

"Wow~. Thanks Jinnie~. I was getting kind of tired of my old clothes anyway"

I laughed, also excited.

"It's no problem~. Now I just have to find some shoes and a hat..."

He walked over to his dressers, found some long white socks, and handed them to me.

He went back to the small room, and found some black and white shoes. I put the socks and shoes on. The shoes were a little small, but they were ok.

"Looking good! Now to find a hat..."

He went to another one of his dressers, and started searching through a drawer of bucket hats and beanies. He pulled out a black beanie and nodded to himself, pleased with his choice.

"This is one of my favorite beanies, and I want you to have it Joonie~"

Here said with sincerity in his eyes.

"Thank you Jinnie, but if it's one of your favorites, I don't want to be a burden and just accept something you love..."

I denied, though I was very grateful.

"It's not a problem at all Joonie~. You'd never be a burden to me, or to any of us. You're more important to me than this material item"

His words made me feel a certain feeling, but I didn't know what it was.

"I......Thank you so much Jinnie..."

I accepted it with a smile, almost in tears.

"It's no problem Joonie~! Now come on, let's go meet the others downstairs~"

He grabbed my hand and held it softly, as he softly pulled me towards the door.

Again, I felt another weird feeling, just like when he gave me his beanie.

*What is this feeling...?*

I thought to myself.

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