Greatest Cheat

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As I entered the mysterious space, without a warning,   flow of memories entered my mind. I see a man dress in ancient clothes,  he treats a certain person.  The patient who technically,  half-dead suddenly becomes conscious and the crowd sing full of praises to the man. After that the scenario disappears,  a different man dress in all white is treating a man of golden robes.  Like the first scenario,  the man easily treats the person he is tending with. Many persons of different times flash in my mind.

Suddenly,  a voice narrates.

You,  a descendant of Shen, you finally arrived, the Shen Spirit character encarved in your right hand denotes that you are the chosen one.  All the secret techniques of our medicine family is now in your possession. You can absorb bits of bits of the knowledge from all your ancestors.  You are now responsible in this space.  I can now finally go.  This spirit will be your guide in using the enormous knowledge you will inherit. For the inheritance, look at your wrist.  Rub the jade whenever you want to gain an answer to a question. Remember,  do not be greedy for the memories and knowledge in this jade is of heavy weight. Let your consciousness adapt in each knowledge before you rub it again. You may become insane if you can not control the knowledge you received.

...The voice disappears...

This space is all yours now!  You can put anything here like plants or animals.  This space is great and cool!,  Shen boasted
This treasures, I can use these to change my life.
Hmmm... Let's see if I rub the jade, I can have a knowledge or something.

Cammir rubs the jade. Different kinds of medicinal plant, herbs, poisonous ones, etc. comes to her conciousness.
Now,  I can raise these plants to earn my own money. If I sell these, I will have a great fortune!
Tomorrow, I find these seeds and plant those in my space.

Master do not worry, I will help you to find those stores.  Do not estimate, Shen!
The master and servant pair continue to talk in the space.  Afterwards, they step out and Cammir returns in the comfort room.
She go back to her room.
Tomorrow,  Shen we will go to those stores that ypu are talking about.  I must gain my own power and wealth so that I can protect my mom. Their arrival will be around next month.  I need to hurry.  They will never be part of this household.

...Master must not worry... Shen will help you to be powerful.
The night becomes deeper.. 
The master and servant pair decided to sleep and gather their own strength for the new beginning tomorrow..

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