Chapter Nine

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Shaking, I was shaking so badly. What the hell happened?

Staring at the woman in front of me, I hadn’t spoken a word since I blacked out. The wolves, oh god I remember clear as day. They were fighting, and then there was a whimper, followed by a sickening crunch. Then the blood. Oh, so much blood everywhere all over its fur.

I had tried to get away, the black wolf heard my movements and spun around. Its dark eyes staring intently into mine as I kept slowly backing away, until my eyes fell on the dead grey wolf. Its neck gaped open as it lay on the muddy ground.

That’s when I fainted.

Blood, and I have never been good friends.

That’s why I take the shot, cutting off all my womanly moments. Periods, they used to make me extremely queasy and sometimes faint.

“She has blood on her hands, presumably from bracing herself from the fall, and on her knee you can see a crimson stain forming, she’s not in good shape,” another woman whispered, talking about me if I weren’t in the room. “We have to do something.”

The other woman leans in, speaking back in a hushed whisper. “We are, Alpha told us to watch and do not touch her. We’re not even allowed to speak to her, if we do. We’re to address her as title.”

I rolled my eyes, there was speak of this Alpha yet again. Sighing, I looked down at my legs and hands. Holding them out, grazed with rocks and some splinters from the grass. I winced, trying to stand. Keeping my thoughts off the bleeding grazes.

The girls looked between each other, not knowing what to do. “Bathroom?” I asked, my head pounding.

No-one answered me.

“Seriously, I’m going to throw up. I need the bathroom, I’m bleeding and in pain,” I tried that but they still looked at me and kept silent.

“Fine. Do you know where Judd is?” Hoping that maybe someone would let me know what was going on.

A door opened and thudding footsteps came in. My heart sped up, hoping it was him. Unfortunately, not Judd’s but an elder version of him. Oh please don’t let this be his father. His eyes went to mine, reeking authority he pointed directly at me. “Sit down.”

Hating the way he spoke, I shook my head. “No.” I’ve put up with enough dominance from one man this past week. No way, I wasn’t going to let someone else walk all over me. No-one had the right to control what I did.

His brows raised, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’re not going anywhere, sit down.”

Tilting my chin up, I wasn’t going to show that I was intimidated by this man. “Don’t tell me what to do. I don’t know you and I sure as hell don’t take any orders from you.”

“But yet you’re quite willing to take them from my son, I hear you’ve been shacked up together since you came to town, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you Emmanuelle. Now, you’re not going anywhere, sit down or I will force you down myself,” he snarled, baring his teeth as a rumble came from his throat.

Wolf In The NightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon