Chapter Fifty

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Yawning, my body limber and completely relaxed. I was alone, I didn’t need to open my eyes to figure that part out. Judd was probably down with the animals or running around in wolf form, it was past midday so I wasn’t surprised that he hadn’t stayed in bed and slept like I had done since last night. That massage, the incredible things he had done to me. Not to mention, finding out he hadn’t ever been with a woman. I was in such an amazing mood. Nothing could wipe the smile from my face. 

After showering, I slipped on a long black tank dress and made my way downstairs. My stomach only growing bigger as the days passed by, I was ready to have this baby and Judd was just as eager as I am. As I trod down the final step, I heard my brother in law. Entering the living room, there was Theo, laying on the couch with a bag of chips and can of coke on the floor beside him. He had taken up this spot as his new home.

“Judd been gone long?” I asked, sitting across from him.

“About two hours, he had some trouble with another wolf trying to come into our territory again,” he said without even hesitating. Least he didn’t have a problem with telling me anything.

My hand on either side of the couch, and I pushed myself up. “Very well, I’m going to make breakfast.”

“It’s past lunch time,” Theo stated, with a deep frown.

I shrugged. “You sound just like your brother. I’m hungry for cereal.”

“Judd wants you to stay in the house today,” he called out. “He said that you’re not-”

“I know. I know, and don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere, I have baby clothes to wash and put away,” I answered back to him, my mate was becoming more and more obsessed with keeping me under his watch.

Theo chuckled and I heard him coming into the kitchen behind me. “You nervous about the pup? It’s weird that my brothers going to be a father. I can’t wrap my head around it.”

“Because he’s such an arrogant asshole to everyone else?” I grinned, placing a couple dobs of greek yoghurt over my dried fruit and nut muesli. Lifting the spoon to my mouth, I frowned watching Theo who was staring openly at me. “What?”

“Does it bother you? That he speaks to others that way. He treats women badly, forcing them to go out and work, you don’t find that a bit harsh?” he asked, his voice lower as if Judd was listening in.

Did it bother me? “Not really, I mean he’s not an ass to me and he’s always treated me with respect. Those women deserve whatever Judd wants to do to them. I stand by his choices and always will.”

“It’s sickening how devoted you two are to each other,” he smirked and shook his head laughing. “I get it though, you’re mates and the way he looks at you. Well, it’s easy to see that you’re his everything.”

“Aww, you getting all mushy on me Theo?” I teased with a grin, reaching towards him and squishing his cheeks so his lips puckered right out. “You Camden brothers are all hard on the outside and romantic on the inside.”

A light pink tinge came over his face and he shook his head, moving away. “You wish. He’s just under heavy sedation by your pussy aroma.”

I burst out laughing so hard, that my legs were squeezed together so I didn’t wet myself. Clutching at my tummy as I just cracked up, the things that man came out with. Hilarious!  

“So you want some help with folding baby clothing?” he asked after his cheeks were returning back to normal colour. “I’m not that neat, but I can try.”

“Actually Judd can help fold with me, how about we do something super fun?” I asked, growing more excited. “I want to get married this weekend, can you help me organise it?”

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