Chapter Fifty Five

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 Have you ever seen a heavily pregnant woman run? Or try to run?

Yeah, that was not going to happen. Knowing my luck, I’d either trip and fall flat on my tummy or run and have the baby half hanging out between my thighs. Running wasn’t going to happen, at all. 

The loud snarling, I couldn’t take my eyes off this vicious wolf. I may have seen Judd in a state of anger, watched as he ripped apart a wolf and tortured a woman by pulling out her canines, I honestly thought I had seen it all. I thought I’d seen every side of him. The good, and the bad. 

Until now.

This wasn’t the man I knew. He was vicious. He was someone completely different, absolutely frightening.

My feet weren’t moving when they needed to be. I was terrified, and I know I shouldn’t be, but I was petrified for my brother’s lives. They had families at home and to see him right now. They looked ready to drop to their knees and begin praying for mercy.

Judd’s howling was surely going to cause some interest, especially by others who were staying at the motel in other rooms. “Emmanuelle!” someone screamed out.

My head snapped up and eyes landed on Simon. I just stared at his frightened, panicked face. I had no idea what to say. He gave me a sad look, “I’m sorry. We’ve got a family,” he shouted, they were cornered in the room. Judd, in front of them still baring his teeth with a menacing growl.

I had no idea what that meant. Until I did. They were going to leave me here. Pretty much every man for themselves, or in this case. Leave the unwanted knocked up pain in the ass and bolt. I watched as Lee grabbed a bedside lamp, and smashed it on top of Judd’s wolf head. Stupid men.

Wolf, was angrier.

This was my queue to leave.

Walking out of the room calmly, stared at the confused look across my brothers and headed to the door.

“Elle, there’s a goddamn wolf!” Simon hissed.

I shrugged. “Yeah I know, and I’m saving myself just like you three were going to do! Adios!” bitches.

My heart was thumping so hard in the car. It was on and ready to drive, my hands shaking as I held the steering wheel. Waiting for what was going to happen next. They were dead, of course Judd would kill them.

I hear the ute door fly open, and then Judd’s naked body sitting in the back seat. “Drive!” he roared.

My hands shaking as I gripped the wheel. “Where to?” I screamed back at him. This was more than I could handle right now.

“Just anywhere. I don’t fucking care,” he was crouched down low, trying to hide his form. “Faster Elle! Fucking floor it!”

I hated driving like a maniac. I floored it, and the engine revved loudly. If I hit someone or something I’d probably kill us both. Adrenaline was through me, I would worry later. Ask the questions later, and for now, I’d just drive.

“Do you need clothing?” I asked, after a while.

“Yes.” He replied. He looked exhausted and deep in thought. “You’ll have to go get me some, I can’t get out of the car like this.”

“You better not be hard,” I warned.

“You know I am,” he smirked back as I glanced at him through the rear view mirror.

I cracked a smile, shaking my head as I laughed. “You’re dirty.” But I still loved him.

Driving while Judd slept, I was getting low on gas and would need to fill up soon. I found a more secluded spot in a car parking lot and Judd stirred. His eyes half opening and closing. Usually he was able to stay up, to keep awake. I wondered when the last time he had been able to sleep was.

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