Chapter Sixteen

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Oh heck, this wasn't planned at all.

What did I say? Oh yeah, he's my mate. You know, he's a wolf and kills people who be mean to me? Yeah, I don't think so. They would see red immediately and drag me off me back home, locking me up in the process.

I swallowed and nervously smiled. "Uh, what are you three doing here? And why are you tracking my phone for? That's a huge invasion of privacy."

I wish I had known about that before I left town. I would have tossed the damn thing out the window. My mind rattling with how they managed to do it without my knowledge anyway, I couldn't believe they thought of doing something so infuriating.

Lee crossed his arms over his chest, looking the most casual dressed of them all. "Invasion of privacy? You have no idea how worried we've been! It's a good thing we decided to do that."

"I'm not a teenager, I'm a woman who can make up my own mind. Now tell me, why did you do it?" My own arms crossed over my chest. "How would you feel if I hacked your phones and tracked you?"

"You're not in the position to be asking the questions here, now why are you here and who is he? Emmanuelle? Is this why you left Justin? Another man you're having an affair with!" Cole asked, glaring from Judd to me.

"This is Judd, and Judd these are my brothers," I said pointing to them individually, "This is Lee, Cole and Simon."

Neither of the men offered each other a handshake. Judd made no intention of moving, I was slightly too afraid to glance up at him. This was one hell of a testosterone stand-off. Looking at my brothers, you could mistake them all for triplets. Even with the couple year age gaps between them, they were strikingly similar. All inherited our father's dark eyes, I had been lucky to get my mother's green ones.

Simon looked Judd up and down, his lips in a thin line as he tilted his head to the side. Taking him in.

Yes, Judd was an extremely attractive man.

Lee, normally the most reasonable one wasn't showing any emotion other than confusion and slight anger. I knew they'd be angry, how they could not be was impossible.

Being the eldest, Cole took his power of the head of family and swallowed, "I don't care what his name is Emmanuelle, who is he and why is his hand on your body?"

"Uh what?" I asked, playing a little dumb.

Judd just chuckled beside me quietly. "They asked, why am I touching your ass? I mean I am a stranger right? So, it's completely inappropriate for me to be groping you in public. Unless this is normal back in the city also?"

Thanks for the moral support honey. I sighed, shrugging and giving them one of my 'trying to get out of this, don't you think I'm such a cute sister of yours?' grins. The only rational response I had, was, "He's not a stranger. He's my husband."

All their eyes went incredibly wide. Lee, first to speak. "You better be joking around Emmanuelle, I swear this isn't even funny."

Here we go, scolding me with the use of my full name. I hated it, it was so long and the only time it was used was when my brothers were around or my mother was complaining about me doing something wrong, in her warning tone she'd scold me. Emmanuelle, watch it!

"Back off, she's not a child," Judd warned, I could feel the anger radiating off his body as his hand held onto my body tighter. Judd was a possessive and protective man, they had no idea who they were angering. More to the point, they had no idea they were in a town filled with wolves.

Lee's eyes snapped up towards Judd and he narrowed them. "You need to get away, she's not a play thing for whatever you're thinking is going to happen. She's just in an emotional and vulnerable state."

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