Chapter Forty Six

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“You know it’s ok to break down sometimes Judd, it doesn’t make you weak,” I whispered, stroking my fingertips through his hair as his face lay against my chest. 

We were still in the car. Rain pouring down hard and thunder clapping, booming loudly around us. Flashes of lightening were lightening up to let me see something other than darkness. Judd’s sobbing had slowed to just sniffles and he was now holding me as if I were to die next. His eyes lifted up to mine as I looked down at him, “You were so incredible out there. I was as fucking useless as tits on a bull.”

A slightly giggle almost made its way out, now wasn’t the time for laughing. “Judd, you thought he were dead.”

“Is he? I have no fucking idea, I didn’t even check a pulse,” he muttered but he didn’t need to check a pulse, he would have known instantly. That’s why he didn’t move. He found his brother dead.

“His throat was half open,” I said quietly. “You froze because he’s your brother and went into shock. Nobody thinks you were useless. You killed the man who attacked him, with your bare feet and hands.”

He looked quite pleased with himself for a moment. “True. I did feel an unusual amount of pleasure as I cracked that cunts skull open.”

“Language, your son can hear you,” I smiled, that word was so easily but rarely said by him. As filthy as it is, he did make it sound incredibly sexy when we were doing the dance with no pants. Dragging my fingertips back through his hair and placing a soft kiss. “I’ve got your back Judd. Never worry about being unable to do something, I’ll be right behind you to pick up the pieces.”

“You’re pregnant, you need rest not all this stress. You shouldn’t have to fight the battles for me.”

“What’s the point of being a strong Alpha if you don’t have your Luna by your side?” I whispered.

As soon as I said those words, Judd’s chest began to heave up and down once again, his arms snaked around my waist held me tightly. Clinging for his dear life and fighting until he couldn’t fight no more, again, losing the battle and letting more tears fall. “I’m not me without you Elle. I need you with me.”

“I’m here, oh Judd I’m not going anywhere.” I held him back and cried with him.

My heart was breaking so hard, to watch such a strong man let alone any man cry in front of you is absolutely torturous. All I could do is sit here and hold him. To just care and show him that I loved him with such a devoted support. He should never feel that he’d be considered weak to cry. That’s the last thing I would ever want him to feel.

If only he could see, just how strong he really was.

With one last sniff, his head pulled away and I instantly reached up and wiped all his tears away. His thick black lashes fanning against the top of his cheeks as he shut his eyes. Leaning forwards, I gave his nose a kiss. “I’m envious of how thick your lashes are.”

He chuckled, and opened his eyes. “My little Luna. You know my men are very fond of you. Giving those orders and telling Steven not to call unless it’s good news. Probably why he hasn’t called,” He muttered with a grim expression. “Skipped town in fear of being slaughtered by the pregnant Luna.”

“Or, he’s still saving your brother’s life. No news, is good news Judd.” I could only hope he was doing just that. “We need to go there, and I really want to get out of these wet clothes. As much as you’re warming me up, I’m hungry and cold.”

“Always hungry, this pup’s going to cost me a fortune in groceries when he’s eating,” he moved and laid his back against the seat. A frown appeared, and he sniffed the air. “You’re bleeding.”

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