Chapter Twenty Two

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Swallowing hard as I tried to catch my breath.

The feeling of drowsiness washing over me as I looked at the burning rage filled eyes in front of me. He snarled angrily and slapped his palm across my face hard.

“Stop it!” I sobbed, trying not to cry but it was impossible. “Please!” The force fucking hurt.

“No. You little pathetic bitch! I will fuck you up so bad that no man will ever look at you again and find you attractive!” He thundered darkly as he threw me down onto the bed.

My back hitting our mattress as he leant down, hands gripping my shorts as he ripped them along with my panties off. I couldn’t move, too frozen as he kneeled over me. Everything was telling me to fight back. Fight him off!

His thighs kicking my legs open farther. A hand undoing his belt, and then jeans until he was holding his thickness. The roughness from his other hand, forcing my eyes to look into his. “This is mine, don’t you ever forget that again!”

And then, he thrusted in with a piercing pain.

I awoke with a howling scream, shooting up from the bed I began to shake and cry uncontrollable.

The glass in our bedroom window smashed into shattered pieces as a huge black wolf lunged through it. The thump of his four paws hitting the floor and snarling caused me to jump as he went back to human form.

“Elle. Fuck.” He ground out, struggling for breath.

“Judd!” I sobbed, wrapping my arms around him tightly as he lunged for me.

He kissed me over and over, “Oh god baby. You’re safe. It was just a dream, you’re ok. Fuck, I thought. I…” he trailed off with a deep broken sob of his own. “I’ve got you sweetheart.”

My eyes stung from the burning tears as I pulled back from him, he looked pained as he assumed I was pushing him away, but I only grabbed him tighter. “Judd. I thought it was real. Why, why did I dream that?” I asked, biting into his shoulder as I fought off another scream I wanted to let out.

“I don’t know Elle. I won’t ever leave you again, I’m so sorry,” he said, holding me with a deep need for closeness.

Judd had only gone to a pack meeting, like every other night and I stayed home. Usually lying in bed until I passed out. Tonight was no different, I was sleeping and then that happened. It was the most terrifying moment of my life.

I couldn’t imagine how he felt, to have watched my dream in his mind as it happened.

He thought I was being attacked. My chest feeling his heart pounding hard against it as he picked me up and walked us into the bathroom. Sitting me down on the sink, I reluctantly let him go so he could turn the shower on.

“Let me undress you, you’re ok with that?” he asked looking freakishly frightened.

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