Chapter Twenty Six

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Tears were now streaming down my cheeks as Michael threw another punch into my face. It hurt so bad, everything hurt. My ribs were aching from his knuckles plummeting into them. Legs stinging as he kicked. I was fighting back, and he hated it.

My hands and legs flying forwards every chance I got. I thought about head-butting him, but didn’t want to get that close. He had let me go, thinking I was giving in and as soon as his hands left my body.

I ran.

It was more easily said than done, until he grabbed my hair and tugged me backwards. My body being flown across the room and into the dining table, wood splintering all over the floor as it smashed from my body. I didn’t think I was that heavy, but the force of being flown snapped it easily.

I was screaming and kicking, trying to fight him off and ignore all the taunts that he kept making.

“He’s going to cum inside her!” he snickered. “She will be pregnant with his pup like she always wanted.”

I wanted to vomit. “Mine!” I snarled angrily.

“He’s going to enjoy her riding him. That tight body against him,” he groaned and licked his lips in delight.

“He will never get it up for her,” I grounded out, the feeling of Michael’s palm wrapping tighter around my throat, pulling me upright.

He chuckled. “Oh love, you should know that any man who feels a hand on their cock, be it their wife, mate, girlfriend or even a random woman. They will always get it up. I had no problem fucking you when Savannah was at home, sleeping peacefully.”


“She’s my mate. I have a child with her, as you found out. Couldn’t keep your snooping eyes to yourself could you. Everything was going perfect until you looked on my computer, finding those photos of them,” he spat as his eyes narrowed again. “If you hadn’t gone into that office, then you and I would still be together.”

I rolled my eyes. “No I would have eventually seen you for the asshole you really are, how could you cheat on someone?” I growled, trying to punch his chest but my arms were starting to grow tired.

“I fucked your friends all the time, remember that day Julia came to visit? You had to go get more milk and she stayed back. Yeah, I bent her over the couch and fucked her so hard she forgot her name,” he smirked. “Then, the night at the club with Teresa? You were too drunk to notice her and me disappearing for a good half hour. That woman sure knows how to suck cock. Unlike you.”

“You’re sick. I can’t believe you’d do that!” I yelled, trying to punch him but my arms wouldn’t even lift up. I realised my legs were starting to grow tired, buckling underneath me. “What did you do?”

“I gave you something to relax you, you’re going to feel everything I do to you and be unable to move. Your mate experienced the same thing, although he needed a double dose. Strong one he is,” he shook his head and loosened his hand from my throat.

I couldn’t do anything as I fell to the floor, unable to move my body at all.

Blackness wanted to take me over, I couldn’t allow it. I willed myself with every bit of strength to stay awake. I wasn’t going to be attacked and unconscious for it. I tried so hard to get Judd in my mind but it came up blank.

With a pair of scissors, Michael began to walk towards me again. Lifting me up, he walked towards the stairs. “We’re going to make love, like old times.”

“No,” I mumbled. “I hate you.”

“You love me, just need some reminding,” he assured me, taunting me as the cold blades ran over my throat. “I will slit you if you fight. I know you like it rough with me.”  

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