Chapter Fifteen

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“Are you sure they’re going to like me?” I asked quietly, following closely beside Judd.

He nodded, then shrugged at his next words. “They will love you, if they don’t then I’ll rip their heads off also.”

I rolled my eyes, feeling even more anxious now. “Judd, a little over dramatic don’t you think.”

He turned and glanced down at me, a tug of an amusing smile playing. “Relax, I’m kidding. They’ll like you more than they like me. Trust me, I know a lot of people think I’m a fucking harsh bastard with no emotions at all.”

“If only they knew just how sensitive you really are, you’d have more women falling at your feet,” I giggled slightly, even more so when he glared. “I’m sorry, you’re a hard ass who doesn’t give a fuck about anything.”

Winking, he nodded. “Good, now you finally realise that.”

It had been one week since Judd marked me. Three weeks in this town and today, I was going to meet the entire pack. Judd had called a meeting, apparently you don’t need to do that via phone. Just a word to his Beta, which I now know as Ty and he organises the whole thing.

Ty, he was a little more laid back than Judd. I remember the first time I met him, asking for a damn girly drink that he had never heard of. That makes me smile. That drink, is now made and being served in the bar for whenever I venture in there again. If Judd lets me in the man cave.

Judd, goes to his Alpha meeting each night and I can relax for the hour he is gone. Not worrying that he’s out banging some bimbo. Speaking of bimbo’s, Valerie is being told of her fate today. I feel awful on the inside for feeling so happy about it.

I should be begging Judd not to do this, but I can’t help but be proud of him.

His fingers tighten around mine and I glanced up. “We’re here?” I asked, looking around.

“We are. Don’t worry, no one will shift in front of you. You do know, we all get naked to do that?”

“I don’t want you naked in front of anyone,” I said lower.

He sighed. “It’s nothing sexual, would you prefer having to deal with all my clothing being shredded?”

“I can online shop Judd, so I’ll stock up on everything if need be,” I gave him a playful wink. No-one was going to see him in anything other than clothing or fur. Naked, was not happening. He may not think it was sexual, but his cock begged to differ. That thing was packin’ and I wasn’t having other women drooling over it.

“Yes dear,” he responded, and led me towards the group of others.

Not a huge amount of people. Ok, I’m kidding, there was at least 300 hundred people. Men, women and even children. All their chatter had begun to die down and their eyes followed us. Judd hadn’t told me I needed to stand at the front with him while he delivered his speech. Ugh, such a phobia of mine.

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