Chapter Thirty One

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“ALPHA!!” her shrilling screams bringing tears to my eyes as Judd had Valerie by the hair, in a hard and tight fistful as he dragged her along the dirty, rough ground of the cell.

Towards the door he stalked back, her hands trying to pry him off her but he was incredibly strong. He was showing no sign, and I mean no sign of backing down.

If Judd had seen what I watched, then she was dead. No questions asked about it. He was furious, more furious than I had seen him. I think unable being to kill Michael himself, was making him more determined to make Valerie suffer.

“Judd,” I whispered. Unsure what I was meant to do.

Was he going to tie her up somewhere and rip her from limb to limb?

His eyes met mine, dark and glowing as he held Valerie’s dirty body in his grasp, her lower body half off the floor as he raised his hand, her screams increased louder but he ignored her as he dangled her up.

“Yes?” He asked, a smirk appearing across his mouth. “Problem Luna?”

I blinked. What? “No, I just… what are you going to do now?”

Glancing down at a fight half naked woman, he shrugged casually. “I’m going to kill her. In front of everyone as promised to you, be fucked if I will let her breathe another second knowing what she’s done to this pack. Almost getting my mate killed and raped! And putting everyone else in danger, two pack members killed. I have an inconsolable woman who’s mate was killed!” he snarled and twisted his hand around her hair.

Now on her feet, Valerie was sobbing. “Alpha please, I… I don’t know what you mean? I didn’t do anything!”

“You speak another lie,” he thundered and flung her body into the brick wall. She fell, bricks coming down on top of her as he stalked towards her. “Get up now!” he ordered, baring his sharp teeth.

“Luna,” Ty spoke quietly. “You may not want to watch this.”

“She’s watching!” Judd thundered back at us. “If the Luna doesn’t want to be here, she can speak up and let me know.”

Oh shit. Did I want to be here? I had no idea. I was barely able to take my eyes off the scene that was playing out in front of me. It was terrifying. Judd was, he was scaring the living daylights out of me by being this way. There was no hint of regret or sorrow for her.

Was this how I wanted to live my life? With a man who killed without hesitation.

If we were back home, in the city then he’d be arrested and locked up. How could the rules be so different for werewolves and humans?

“I’m staying,” I breathed out, unable to blink as I kept my eyes on my mate.

“You’re as sick as he is!” Valerie screamed at me, her claws extracted and swiped at Judd.

Thinking she missed until I noticed the blood running down his cheek. His eyes a wild fire as he narrowed them and gave her a wolfish grin. “Big mistake,” he uttered smoothly, almost sexily as he pushed her back into the wall.

His hand wrapped around her throat, almost had my jealously coming back as he was closer to her body. I forced that back down and told myself he wasn’t aroused. Unfortunately, Valerie noticed my uncomfortable stare and smirked.

“Oh Alpha, if you wanted me like this all you had to do was ask,” she bit her lip and arched her body out, trying to press against him. “I’m sure the Luna wouldn’t mind watching us together.”

Judd stilled and took one step back. I could hear his heavy breathing as he snapped her hands to the wall in large cuffs. Her struggling didn’t faze him in the slightest of ways. Another growl ripped from her throat as she went to try lunge forwards like a hungry lioness.

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