Chapter Fifty Four

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When I were twelve, I got my period. Although, I had no clue what was happening to my body. I do know it was the only time I have ever prayed in my life. I prayed for the bleeding to stop. To just go away, and a few days later. It did. 

Then a month later, it happened again and I prayed again. I couldn’t tell anyone. I was mortified, as embarrassed as I thought of myself as a freak. My mother hadn’t had the period talk with me, and my brothers weren’t interested with girl problems.

So I left it. I never told anyone until years later.

That’s what I would do about this.

My fingernails were sharp, so long and when I touched one against my skin. It pierced and began to bleed. Thus, almost passing out again. Why did this have to happen? Here of all places. If my brothers walked in or seen me with long claws, they’d have me tied up and forcing some kind of exorcism to take the devil out of me.

That’s what they would think, I was part devil.

I was scared, I didn’t want to change into a wolf. I loved Judd, and his pack but that wasn’t me. If I was to change, then he needed to help me because I had no idea what to do. Would I still be pregnant? Would I be hungry? Would I be so hungry and pregnant that I’d go and eat my brothers and their wives?

Oh shit, I really needed to leave. Now!

I could still hear them all fighting, their voices raised louder over the last person who’d spoken to try and have the final say. Sighing as I sat on the edge of the tub, I just held my hands out and waited for hair to grow, for my long fingers to turn into round paws.

“Aunty Elle?” a small voice came through the door. “I need to use the toilet.”

“Ok sweetheart, I’m coming out soon,” I said slightly frustrated.

Her rapping on the wooden door increased. “Now. I need to go now!”

Of course she did. Impatient just like her father. I stood up, about to turn the door knob and stopped. My hand in front of me, breathing out a loud breath of relief as my fingers seemed to look normal again. I was turning them over, checking for any sign of wolf symptoms.

There was none. Knowing my luck, I’d probably turn into a wolf without any warning next time.

“Ok baby boy, you don’t do that to your mumma again alright?” I whispered, giving my tummy a rub. This baby was the only reason all this strange shit kept happening to me. Takes after his father.

Lilian was standing there clutching her hands between her thighs and I felt bad. She was only four after all and couldn’t hold it. “I’m sorry sweetie, I didn’t mean to make you wait.”

“Daddy said you’re crazy, why?” she asked, running in and propping herself up on the toilet.

Kids need to know everything otherwise they’d keep on asking. I shrugged, “your dad is old and boring. He’s just sad because aunty Elle is awesome and he’s not.”

Giggling, she nodded. “Aunty Elle is the best!”

I smiled. She was such a cutie. I hoped she didn’t turn out like her mother. Lilian and I walked into the kitchen, the family argument was still tense was at least they weren’t making a scene in front of the kids.

“Daddy, aunty Elle said you’re boring and old!” Lilian giggled, kids also couldn’t keep their mouths shut. “She’s awe-some!”

My brother Lee, raised his brows up at me. “I’m not old.”

“You’re not awesome though,” I shrugged.

“Daddy why does she have a big tummy?” Logan, his six year old son asked him.

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