Chapter Fourteen

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Lunch was served and my mouth was watering. It was the most delicious thing I had smelt since being in this town. Other than the man to my right of course, he was divine. Indian roasted pork belly, oh my goodness it was making my mouth water. The smell, I felt like I could have eaten the entire thing. I didn't, that would have been embarrassing.

I had been asked by Judd's father to let them know a bit more about myself, I really didn't know what to say. Talking about myself wasn't something I found appealing, it was more embarrassing. Judd's hand on my thigh, gave a reassuring squeeze and I ended up giving in.

"Not much to tell, I'm from the city and have lived there all my life. I work in real estate and have done that since I graduated school," I really didn't know what else to say. "Oh, I also have three older brothers, who are super strict and basically parent me."

His mother, Susan asked. "How old are they?"

"Simon is 29, Lee's 30 and Cole is 32." I missed them terribly, but I knew once they began their scolding I would be wishing they would leave me alone. I really needed to call them and find out if they heard about Justin and I. Who was I kidding, of course they'd know.

She asked, trying to sound polite but I could see the worry behind her smile. "What do they think about you being out here? In the middle of nowhere?"

I shrugged, feeing quite ashamed that I hadn't told them anything. They were my only family, and here I just took off without a word. "They have no idea. I didn't tell them I was leaving the city."

"So you just got up and abandoned your family? What's to say you won't do the same to my son? Take everything from him and then leave?" His dad now asked, in a rough manner.

"Dad," Judd warned. "Elle, don't answer that."

I ignored Judd, and defended myself. I wasn't the type of girl he assumed. "Apart from the obvious, he's a wolf and I'm not. I'm not leaving him, if I wasn't serious I wouldn't have let him bite me in the first place. I would have freaked out and ran when it was revealed." Pausing, I leant forwards slightly. "I didn't run did I? No, I told him to mark me and make me completely his."

A bark of laughter escaped his throat. "You bit him also, how did that happen? Like my son mentioned, it's not something a human would do. You just bit through and now you're wearing matching marks?" Taunting me with a teasing smile. "Unless you're hiding something from us Luna?"

I hated being called that so much. Not that I would ever disrespect Judd and tell him that, I just hated the way it sounded. I wasn't a power player, Elle was completely fine with me. It would take a lot of time to get used to.

"Well I can't explain that to you. Judd knows but it's between him and me. I don't want to discuss intimate moments between us," I said quietly. What happened during the most amazing night of my life, the marking and all the sex was going to stay between him and I. I for one, didn't want to know about Judd's parent's getting naked and doing that to each other. Oh god, the image was sickening.

Before someone else spoke, who suddenly began to cough loudly as he read my thoughts. I forgot about that little trick between us. His father spoke up and interrupted Judd.

His eyes darkened, snarling at me. "You will if you're asked young lady."

"Respect her father, she is your Luna after all," Judd warned, narrowing his own eyes.

Scoffing and shaking his head. "She's a human. I will not follow a command from her, half this town wont either. She's no idea what to do, a damn laughing stock is what she will be."

My anger began to rise and I hated the way it felt. I wasn't this type of person who fought with people and became so angry that I was on the verge of lunging over the table. That wasn't the girl my mother had raised me to be.

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