Chapter Twenty Eight

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“Are you sure you wouldn’t like more to eat dear?” Judd’s mother asked softly as she placed the bowl of hot chicken noddle soup to the side of me on the small table.

The last thing I wanted to do was eat. “No, thank you though,” I smiled back as I answered her quietly.

“Ok, well if you do then just let me know. Don’t yell, I can hear even a whisper,” she smiled pointing to her ears.

I couldn’t help but chuckle softly. Of course she’d hear me whispering. Curled up on the couch, Judd was close against me. He hadn’t once left my side since we arrived at his parent’s home. Taking me inside and running a hot bath, he laid in there with me and washed my entire body. His anger had been hard to mask as his eyes looked at the bruising from where Michael had cupped me between the thighs. I promised him that’s all he had done, he hadn’t gotten inside of me at all.

He would have felt the pain if he did.

Judd’s father was being quiet, not really speaking but now and then I’d catch him staring at me which caused him to look away and focus his eyes back on the TV.

“Baby, you should eat,” Judd murmured against my neck, nuzzling his face close.

“I know,” I sighed, fisting my hand into his shirt as I faced him. “I’m tired, but I don’t want to sleep.”

“How about you eat up, then we’ll go to bed. You want me to feed you?” he asked placing a kiss to my cheek.

Smiling, that would be cute to see. I was going to say no, but I knew he wanted to. “Please.”

Judd’s mother smiled as she walked in the living room, staring as she watched the big strong Alpha feeding his mate. “Oh this is lovely, is Judd this way all the time? I’d never have thought he were a romantic.”

“I’m not romantic,” Judd grumbled, a tinge of pink spreading over his cheeks. “She’s hurt and I’m helping her.”

“You brought a kitten. My son, the wolf who lets a kitten sleep on his lap, I think you’re softer than you make out to be,” she chuckled back.

I glanced towards her and smiled. “He hated the idea of a kitten, but I think she’s a daddy’s girl.”

Judd’s nostrils flared, not looking impressed. “Daddy? Oh no. I draw the line at that Elle.”

“We’ll see,” I smiled, opening my mouth and he brought another spoonful of hot soup towards my mouth.

Snuggling underneath the warm covers, I wriggled my body closer to Judd’s. Both of us facing each other, he had me captured in his arms and held tight against him. There was a soft movement at the bottom of my feet and I smiled, knowing someone was coming up for sleep time as well. She was adorable.

His parents almost had a heart attack when we first arrived, both of us looking like hell and carrying a kitten. Theo must have called and informed them what had happened. His mum, hugging and kissing us both and crying we were now safe. Although they didn’t ask for details, I think Judd’s dad knew.

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