Chapter Thirty Two

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Judd murmured. His eyes then went back to Steven's. “The birth control? She was taking it.” 

“Being Alpha, it's made it ineffective. If your wolf wanted her pregnant, it would happen whether you fought him off or not. Your wolf is strong, his determination to impregnate his mate and the Luna is what made this happen.”

Judd gave me a smirk. “So really, her birth control was just a prick in the arm and a waste of time.”

“Yes. You could say that,” Steven laughed. “Even wearing a condom would have probably resulted in it being torn.”

“Hmm, so what about the other things? Biting? And hearing thoughts? How does that play into it?” Judd asked, glancing down at me again, this time looking at me proudly.

I kept utterly silent. Trying to let my mind register what was being said.

“The marking, when you mated and marked her. It would have happened instantly from what you’ve already told me, therefore her biting back was a sign that the next alpha had been created,” Steven rubbed his temples. “This all makes sense, if the Luna had been able to talk to you, via thoughts and craved to bite you. Her ability to do certain things that she hadn't before, such as the extra possessiveness, senses, smelling all stronger. It's the power of the future Alpha growing inside her.”

“What about her fighting another wolf? Outrunning him? She killed Michael, how could that happen?” Judd asked, looking confused as ever. “He was a strong wolf.”

“Elle isn't a wolf but she's being given all the strength of one, the future Alpha is going to be strong and powerful, he's protecting his mother and the Luna from any harm that comes her way,” Steven responded. “When she is protecting her Alpha Mate, your son is also protecting you. She’s always been one to stand up and defend your honour. As with you, you are a dominant and strong Alpha. Your son, will have your strength and leadership along with the Luna’s ability to protect those she loves most. You've both created a protector, a natural born leader. He will make for a fantastic Alpha when the time comes.”

“So, I'm pregnant?” I asked, finally needing to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

“Yes, you are pregnant Elle,” Judd said, smiling. “You're pregnant with my pup, our son.”

“Pup? You mean wolf?” My breathing started to pick up and I tried sitting up, Judd held me down and tried to get me to relax.

“It's safe for you to take her home, she needs to take it easy,” Steven said, slightly warning him that I wasn't to be overwhelmed with anything.

“She won't be doing a thing. She is pregnant. Keep this between us, for now. We will make an official announcement when Elle is feeling up to it. I do not want others to know their Luna is with child,” Judd said with authority.

“Yes of course Alpha,” Steven said, nodding in agreement.

“Wait,” I said, confused. “How do you know for sure that I am pregnant? And how far along would I be?”

“Elle, I can hear our son's heart beating. I can smell your pregnancy, now that I know that's what's been driving me crazy this past week. If our son were conceived when we mated, which i think there is a high chance he were. You're a few weeks along.”

I shook my head confused ever more. “But you’ve been sniffing my stomach since we’ve been trying to get pregnant. Why haven’t you heard anything or smelt him?”

“True,” Judd sat back slightly, frowning. “Why is that?”

Before his hopes were completely diminished. Steven broke out into a grin, “Alpha, your mate is human. You would have been trying to smell something completely different. Her being sick and fainting was due to pregnancy symptoms, the baby’s heartbeat is only big enough to now pick up.”

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