Chapter Thirteen

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The drive to Judd's parent's home, it wasn't too long away. I was a bundle of nerves as we neared their long dusty dirt road. My hands in my lap fumbling as I tried to think of anything else other than what was going to happen.

Judd's father, was most likely going to hate me for being disrespectful.

His brother, may have told his parents I used the tongs on his arm and burnt his skin.

Then his mother, was probably going to warn me if I broke her son's heart then she would feed me to a pack of hungry wolves.

"Relax," Judd's voice cut through my nerves, just the sound of his voice sliced them in half.

Forcing a smile, I spoke quietly. "Easy for you to say, these are your parents. Just wait until you meet my brothers. They'll really love you."

"Brothers?" He sounded confused. "I don't have to meet them, it's not like they live here."

Shooting him a glance, I dipped my brows trying to understand him. "You do know that I have a house and family back where I came from? I also have a job, which pays pretty well which my boss is kind of expecting me to go back."

"I can't leave the town Elle. There's no way I can adapt to the city lifestyle, I have a pack to run. I thought you sold your place?" he slowed the car to a stop and rubbed his jaw. "Let's talk more about it after lunch, I don't want to get into an argument right now."

"I'm not arguing. I'm telling you, if you expect me to live here permanently then I have to tell my brothers about us. They're the only family I have and I would never ask you to leave yours, I just need you to understand that I have lose ends to tie up back in the city," I knew trying to explain all this was a lost cause. He was either going to listen or he wasn't.

He did, unfortunately he took the meaning lose ends for something else.

"You mean your ex?" he muttered dryly.

Rolling my eyes, I was beginning to get head spin at how often I rolled them. "No. My house which hasn't sold yet. Not my ex, and you don't need to be jealous, I'm with you."

His face was expressionless as he got out of the car and came around my side, opening the door he leant over the seat and pushed his finger to unclip my belt. His head turned and lips skimmed over mine. "I know you're with me. I'm looking forward to meeting this ex-lover of yours, he sounds like a real piece. I wonder how he tastes."

"Judd!" I sucked in a sharp breath. "You wouldn't?"

He couldn't possibly eat him. A laugh ripped from his chest. "No I wouldn't eat him. Contrary to what you're thinking, I have never eaten a human. I have killed other wolves but never just a human."

"Take me inside. I'm hungry and I can smell something delicious," I smiled, with a soft laugh.

He sniffed the air, brows frowning slightly. "You can smell that?"

"Yeah, pretty well," I pushed on his chest and he helped me out of his Ute.

Walking behind Judd inside, his parent's family home was not what I had expected. This wasn't like Judd's house. His was clean, modern and new. The house I now stood in, had a rustic feel to it. A home feeling. Photo's filled the walls of two small children, Judd and his brother Theo.

A woman appeared, wearing an apron over a pair of jeans and a short sleeved top. Greeting us with a warm smile as her arms opened. "Oh you two, look at you."

This was slightly embarrassing. Judd groaned loudly and stepped back, "Don't, please."

She shook her head with a sigh. "Come here and give your mother a hug, I rarely see you."

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