CH3:Second Chances

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When Sora first awoke in the blank white void, he found himself unable to remember anything.

He had no prior memories of himself; not even the basic knowledge of his name.

Yet he knew that he was dead.

Why else would he be here?

And soon, he realised that he was peering through the eyes of an object. The face of a young child staring right back at him only confirmed his theory.

The child, he would later learn, was called Sawada Tsunayoshi.

It was an odd name, yet Sora felt a strange sense of familarity to it.

As familiar as the clear blue sky he would often see through the object.

Maybe that was why he decided to name himself Sora.


And Sora watched as the child, Tsunayoshi, grew.

He was weak, getting bullied and pushed around all the time. Mute.

But Sora felt himself wanting to reach out and shield the boy away from any further pain. An odd feeling of protectiveness that left a bittersweet feeling within him.

He didn't understand why.

Until that infant, Reborn, came.

There had been something familiar about him too, something that made Sora feel more emotions than he had ever felt since coming to this 'void' of sorts.

Feelings of warmth.



And sadness.

So much of it.

It just wasn't until Reborn had uttered out the sentence that the emotions that Sora had always felt began to overwhelm him and dredge up forgotten memories.



"Always so weak and useless, Dame-Tsuna. I'm disappointed in you."

Floodgates seemed to open and memories began to pour out.

And finally, for the first time in years, things started to make sense.

Sora was Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Sora was the sky that had passed-- protecting his guardians and Kat till his dying breath.

He had died.

So why was he still here?

Laughing pitifully, he briefly wondered just when would the gods above just stop toying with him.

Sora was tired.

He just wanted peace.

He had had his chance, and he had wasted it.

His life was over. Done. Zilch.

And then it finally clicked.

And Tsuna allowed himself to hope again, something he hadn't done for years now.

He allowed himself to believe that...

Maybe this was a second chance?


Awaking with a sudden jolt, Tsuna groaned and pressed his head into his pillow, alarm still blaring away at full volume.

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