CH41: Our Promises

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Okay. I lied. This chapter isn't the ending XD I started editing and the ending was still too long so I decided to split it again :P



The bazooka was pulled out, and there was a sudden puff of green smoke.

A sudden loud thud was heard. "Ah~" The thing or person groaned, before muttering out. "When he said that it'd be a rough landing, I didn't think that it'd be this rough..."

The foreign voice was familiar. A girl's.

Sora stiffened immediately, backing up from the smoke. Lorenzo, on the other hand, started to shake.

Reborn's eyes narrowed.

"I-I... This shouldn't be possible...! The balance of this world should be crumbling..?" Kawahira whispered, flames desperately trying to soothe Sora's panicked ones.

Please no.
Please don't let her see me like this.

The smoke cleared.

Kat's emerald eyes focused immediately on a gaping brunet, before she stiffened in shock as well.

"Tsu...-kun...?" She choked out, darkening in grief as she locked eyes with those warm, familiar orbs. "I-Is that really you? Or a-are my eyes playing tricks on me?" She sounded as though she was about to cry.

Sora opened his mouth to speak, but found that no words were able to escape his parted lips. So instead, he merely nodded his head shakily and held his arms out in anticipation of a hug.

Almost instantly, Kat leaped and wrapped the brunet into a choking hug, making the brunet groan slightly at the sudden weight. But his eyes glowed, a genuine delight in them, as well as a hint of panic so hidden even Reborn had trouble seeing it.

"Kat? Are you okay?" He asked, completely aware of the others stiffening at the sight of his body.


"Dame-Sora...? Your body-" Reborn was cut off by piercing autumn eyes, mentally telling him to shut up.

The raven hesitated, fingers tightening their grip around the brunet, still trapped in the embrace. "Tsu-kun..." She whispered softly, reaching out to grasp the pendant in the brunet's hand... Then she scowled bitterly, but it seemed that it meant more for herself than the trembling brunet.

"No, of course I'm not okay, you idiot!" She snapped, before flinching and hiding her downcast expression from the brunet. "I just missed you so much... Please... Don't leave me again. I don't want you to do something stupid like that again."

"A-Ah... Kat. I-"

He stopped abruptly, shaking his head as he found himself not wanting to tell the raven the truth. Not now. Not when he could still give her just a few more minutes of comfort- a sense of normality amidst all the grief and pain she had suffered from throughout her entire life.

But Sora knew that Katsumi had changed, in one way or another.

It pained him to know that her emerald orbs no longer sparkled as bright, and were filled with a maturity that had begun to shine after being apart for such a long time. She was no longer as bubbly as before too, as though she were being weighed down by all her worries and grief. And he knew that he had been the reason why Kat had seemed to age twenty years in their time apart.

"K-Kat...? Katsumi...?"

A hoarse voice whispered out, shock and disbelief colouring his tone.

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now