CH13:Battered Body

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Too bright...

Tsuna groaned slightly, peeking open a single eye, only to shut it again when bright white walls greeted him, intensifying his pounding head.

He'd recognise those bleach white walls anywhere.

The... infirmary?

More specically, the infirmary of Namimori Middle?


Ah, Tsuna-sama! You're finally awake!"

He opened his eyes fully now, having gotten his bearings together, only to find Yamamoto and Gokudera staring at him worriedly.


He stared, eyes travelling down Gokudera's bandaged body, catching sight of every bruise and every scratch on pale skin.

'Gokudera-kun! You shouldn't be out of bed yet!'

He sat up quickly, ignoring the pain that had jolted up his spine at his actions. Instead, he chose to sign worriedly, eyebrows furrowing in concern.

But Gokudera only smiled softly, waving a single hand in an attempt to placate the brunettr. It didn't really work, but he didn't overdo it, knowing that Tsuna would only panic more at his careless actions.

Instead, he only smiled warmly, before reaching out to clasp shaking hands. "I'm fine, Tsuna-sama! I just woke up slightly bruised. I don't really know what happened but I think you saved me."

He reassured, green eyes gleaming in something akin of admiration and thankfulness.

But Tsuna only frowned in slight confusion, having little to no memory to the fight that went down.

But I didn't do anything except fight the person...

And even then, I don't really remember anything.. It just all went black...

...That would be my fault...

What do you mean?

Well, for starters, I took over your body.


I used my flames to heal Gokudera. That's my power, by the way. I have some latent sun flames in me, that's all.


Don't worry about it.

Anyway, I took over your body because you were losing control of your flames. I'm sure you wouldn't mean to do that intentional.

Oh. Yeah.

Thank you.


Tsuna heard Sora yawn softly, and felt the pacifier in his pocket heat up slightly.

No problem.

I'll just need to be inactive...for awhile.

Need to recharge...

And perhaps it was in the way Sora seemed to sound much more innocent half-asleep. His voice was much more endearing, making Tsuna smile.

Rest well then.



He found himself being shaken lightly by Yamamoto, whose eyes were darkened in concern.

Man, I really need to choose more appropriate times to talk to Sora.

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