CH8:The Threat

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The first thing Tsuna noticed were the locked hands. Ienari and Kyoko entered the school, side by side and looking far more than mere friends.

This made him frown, almost immediately.

So Ie-kun and Kyoko are together now?

He wasn't happy about it, to say the least.

But it wasn't due to jealously. In fact, he was rather concerned; he knew his brother well, in a sense.

Too well, some might say.

Ienari was only using Kyoko for more popularity. Tsuna knew this too.

And his suspicions were further heightened when he saw Ienari flirting with the girls that flocked around him, even with Kyoko around, pinched smile in place.

It was frustrating, to say the least. Not being able to smack some sense into his twin's head.

Seems like there are differences in our worlds after all...

How so?

In my world, Kyoko never got into a relationship with anyone. Not in her middle school days, at least.


Well, at least I'm meeting Kyoko on the roof later for the project.

Maybe I'll ask her what she sees in Ienari.


Harsh pants echoed around the dim room as he lay on a mat, completely soaked in sweat.

"DAMN IT!" He exclaimed, slamming a single fist into the mat, eyes alit in fury.

"If I were stronger..."

The words reverberated around the room, clipped and furious.

"If I had been able to protect Kyoko, she wouldn't have had to extremely become—"


When the class bell rang, Tsuna leaped into action immediately.

In a flurry, he was already beside Kyoko, tapping on her shoulder impatiently.

It was the perfect chance. This was one of the rare classes that Ienari was not in with Kyoko.

"Ah! Tsuna-kun?" She jumped slightly, before clearing her throat and smiling at him. "Did you need something?"

The adversion to his touch did not go unnoticed. Concerned, he furrowed his brows slightly, mentally comparing between the previously care-free and sunshine-filled girl, to the guarded and wary Kyoko seated in front of him.

'Could you please follow me to the roof? I need to ask you something.'

He made up his mind.

He was going to get to the bottom of this once and for all.


"So... What did you want to ask me?"

The two met on the roof, as promised, with Kyoko fiddling with the hem of her skirt, eyes looking anywhere but at Tsuna.

'Why are you with Ienari? I know you don't like him, and he hasn't been treating you really well too.'

He signed, and Kyoko (bless her), being proficient in sign language, merely took a moment to process the rapid hand gestures, before sighing.

"It's complicated, Tsuna-kun," she began, chuckling sadly as her eyes began to glimmer slightly with unshed tears. And upon realising, she quickly swiped at her eyes, wiping her eyes clean.

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now