CH36: Colliding Worlds

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"Ma, let's all calm down~" Lorenzo chuckled, an easy-going grin on his face. Nobody was fooled, raising their guard against any surprise attacks.

Amber eyes glared hatefully at the man while expressive blue orbs cowered, hiding fearfully behind the looming figures of Rei and Kouji.

"What is your business here?" Rei growled, spitting each word out with undisputed hate.

However, the man was not affected. Rather, he seemed mildly amused. "So mean~ I merely just wanted to say hello to the Decimo brat- I believe he called himself Sora here?"

The tension and killing intent in the air skyrocketed.

"..." Wild, uncontrolled feral eyes glared holes into the man's body as Sora forcefully tookover Tsuna's body. "Why are you still alive?"

Lorenzo cackled madly at this, rolling up his sleeves to show the many marks scarring what was once flawless skin.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi~" The man tutted in mock disapproval. "You ruined everything. You took away my men, my life's work. You even took away a dear princess from her father."

Sora growled at that, fists tightening protectively on the locket around his neck.

"You don't get to call yourself a father after what you did to Kat!"

The smirk was gone, so was the twinkle in Lorenzo's eyes. Something shifted in the air.

"You... That's right, you were the one who took it all away..." The man ignored Sora, eyes wide and unseeing, as if he had suddenly reached to a conclusion. Sora looked at him, but his gaze never lingered on Lorenzo's own.

"If you took it from me..." The man smiled, yet it was a smile full of delight and insanity, as well as-

"Doesn't that mean... I get to take it all from you now?"


"WHY YOU-!" Rei snapped, lunging towards the man with his staff. Lorenzo, however, smirked and Tsuna (whom Sora had given back control to) couldn't help but shiver in fear.

At the same time, Ienari let out a sharp gasp, panic in his features. "REI, WATCH OUT-!"

Rei, upon hearing the warning, immediately switched to defense, narrowly dodging the swipe on his left.

He stumbled, gritting his teeth in his pain when a part of a shiny blade managed to graze him slightly.

Jerad cackled, laughing arrogantly as the blade in his hand glints ominously. "I see no difference from five years ago~ How pitiful~" He sighed loudly- too loudly, as he taunted, making Rei clench his fists in anger.

"You're still weak, always having to rely on others to save you." His tone was mocking, a deep blow to both brothers' pride.

"SHUT UP!" They charged at the same time, exchanging blows . The daggers in Kouji's hands clanked heavily as it strike against the knife.

But neither side was willing to give up. They were evenly-matched. Or so it seemed.


Something's wrong...

Huh? Why?

Lorenzo... From what I know, he wouldn't play fair. Plus, he's acting strangely-

"No! LET GO!" The shrill shriek from someone made Tsuna flinch and he gasped at the sight of his brother being held at a choking grip by Lorenzo.

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