CH22:A Sun's Bond

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An alarm blaring from her bedside was what roused her from an uneasy slumber. Kat could only sigh as she sat up, blinking away any traces of sleepiness.

Another day, huh?

Something unpleasant seemed to curl in her gut.

It just doesn't seem to get any easier.

Two years.

It'd been two years since Tsuna had last...

Kat missed him terribly still, the faint ache growing with every passing day.

And it seemed ironic now, almost cruel, the fact that Tsuna had thought that him leaving wouldn't have... hurt anyone, really. That he'd thought of himself as an inconvenience, as someone that didn't seem to matter.

If only he could see us now.

The Sawada household was a sad place now. What perhaps had once been warm and cheerful, now only held the lingering traces of gloom and nostaglia.

It was desolate.

And nothing was the same. Not anymore.

Only traces of what once had been remained, because they had long since left.

They'd moved out, eventually. After everything had been resolved, after Tsuna's own burial, it'd seemed as time just... stopped.

Living there had been painful, like a reminder everyday that they had failed.

That Tsuna was dead.

So they left. That was that.

Xanxus was crowned Decimo, and had been merciful in granting them all places to stay at in the Vongola Headquarters.

Something twisted in Kat at that, a mixture of sympathy, pity and an unadulterated rage that seemed to course through her veins.

They weren't the same, too.

The guardians.

Gone were the explosions, yells and cheerful laughter. In its place were their empty shells, flitting by the hallways of the Headquarters with a sorrow that could leave even the strongest weeping.

They deserve it, yet some part of Kat thought bitterly. Then, it was replaced by the instant backlash of guilt.

But Tsu-kun wouldn't want me to blame them.

It just wasn't meant to be.

Fate was cruel, in that way. It had left behind nothing but shattered pieces and unanswered prayers.

Some part of her wondered how he was doing, anyway. Wherever he was.

Are you happy, Tsu-kun?

I'm living the best I can, like you wished.

...I miss you, you know.

But it was a life for a life.

It was the least she could do; make him proud. Carry on his 'legacy.'

A life for a life, she repeated in her head, it's only fair I grant your wishes too.

So she let her feet carry her down the hall, proud as she beamed, smile infectious and disarmingly bright.

It was in this way, that she had strolled into the dining room.

"Good morning everyo- ...?" And stopped short in her words. "...What's ...wrong?"


The room was in utter chaos.

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