CH24:A Little Change

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He twitched as he awoke, doubling over in pain as he coughed, panic throbbing through his veins at once.

Where am I?

And then the memories came pouring in.

The men, the pain, and—


The fragments of a past he knew he wouldn't be able to remember.

There was a sharp jolt that pierced his temple at that, and he yelped, messaging his head and winced.

It was important, then.

But as the door creaked open, he could pay no more attention to his pounding head. Instead, he jumped as his dark room filled with light, and a man in a labcoat entered the room.

He felt his lips curl with faint disgust.

Whoever the man was, he was disgusting.


Because as the man grinned manically, chapped lips parted to reveal yellowed teeth. His eyes bulged, almost like a toad's, and his hair was grimy like it'd never seen a day of shampoo in the past ten years.

"Goodie, is the little lion is awake?" His voice was shrill, infected with an insanity that had even Ienari cringing.

"Who are you?!" He just managed to croak out, sending the man a glare as he stood, even when his knees threatened to give out.

The man grinned.

It sent an instant chill down his spine.

"Why, I'm Jerad!" He purred. "I shall be your executor, little lion! You've been a bad, bad toy, haven't you?"



"What are you trying to say, you old geezer?!"

Jerad's eyes narrowed. "Watch your tone, boy."

Ienari refused to back down. "Let me go, then! You bastard!"

And deep down, wispy flames reached out, clawing at something it couldn't quite reach.

Jerad snapped his fingers, and Ienari knew nothing but green and pain, before his world went utterly dark.


Tsuna frowned, pacing the room as he bit his lip in impatience.

A week.

It had been a week since he'd seen Ienari. And he was this close to just bursting into flames and flying out to search for his twin.

What if he's hurt?

What if someone targets him?

What if—

Calm down, Tsuna.

He continued pacing the room, throwing his hands in the air.

But what if—

He was hit with a sudden wave of calm.




He slouched, sighing as he basked in Sora's harmony.

You can't go out and find Ienari alone.

But we still don't know where he's at.

You're still too weak to be going into Hyper Dying Will mode. The seal is preventing you from doing so too. Just leave it to Hibari and your guardians, okay?

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