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Well, welcome to my story. Again for you other readers. Yeah, I've re-uploaded this book at least 3 times already. So on with the story! Also, chapters 1-5 are profile chapters.

Name: Noah Frais

Country: France

Age: 18

Features: brown/blond hair, blue eyes, tan skin

Personality: Athletic, Smart, Funny (not as funny as Leo Valdez, but whatever...)

Hobbies: Soccer, Reading

Band/Singer: Green Day

Background information: Lived in France his whole life, Won a couple soccer competitions, English is his main language but can speak French fluently

How he got to Camp:

My mom and I were on vacation in Hawaii. I was walking along a path to a private beach that had a great place to relax. As I got to the ocean, a huge wave crashed on the shore and a boy and a girl came out of it, completely dry, and they both looked about 21. I jogged over to them and asked how they're dry. They told me that his name was Percy Jackson, a son of Poseidon and that she was Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. I believed them, since I always read about Greek Mythology and he told me that I was a demigod too, but that I was his brother and that we had to get to a camp called Camp Half-Blood.  I went to the hotel we were staying at and Percy told my mom everything that she needed to know. I then packed my bags and followed them back to the place we met. Percy then took my wrist and chanted in greek. A tattoo of a trident appeared on my wrist and then he told me that my powers were unlocked and that I could breathe underwater and control it, along with being able to talk to sea animals and horses. We then jumped in the water and speed-swam to Long Island, New York. What should've took hours took less than 5 minutes. I stepped onto shore and as soon as I got into the clearing with Percy and Annabeth, I was claimed by Poseidon. 

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