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Name: Logan Briseur de Coeur

State/City: Toronto, Canada

Age: 19

Features: dark brown hair, light brown eyes, tan skin

Personality: funny, athletic, popular

Hobbies: Hockey

Band/Singer: Maroon 5

Background Information: Born and raised in Toronto, has a shit ton of fangirls

How he got to camp: 

I was taking my normal jog around the neighborhood when I stopped at the abandoned house at the end of the street. A couple of years ago a fire burned half that house and no one has been in it ever since. I think a family called the Zhangs used to live there. I stood there longer than usual as I heard voices coming from behind me. They called my name as I walked over to them and asked how they knew my name. They explained how they were looking for me and that I was a demigod, introducing that their names were Hazel and Frank. They said that they talked to my mom about everything already and that I had to go to a camp called Camp Half-Blood. Frank told me that he was a son of Mars and that he can turn into animals. Hazel told me that she was a daughter of Pluto and that she can retrieve gems with a snap of her fingers and that she can control the mist, a veil separating mortal eyes from greek and roman monster and supernatural things. Frank then turns into a dragon as we get on his back and fly to camp. Immediately as I step on the ground a lyre is floating above my head. I swat at it as a boy smiles and walks towards me, explaining that I'm a son of Apollo and that he's my brother, Will. We walk towards the Apollo cabin and settle in.

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