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Oh No...

We got out of the ship to see town below, since we were on a hill. So naturally, we went down into the city to see it completely deserted. But there was a huge iris message, broadcasting of what's happening at the Colosseum. And guess what was on the screen?

A broadcast of the giants, hundreds of monsters around them and the giants were the 6 powerful ones; Alcyoneus, Enceladus, Polybotes, Porphyrion, Ephialtes, and Otis. But what was worse? There were two hostages who were both blindfolded, gagged, they had hoods on for some reason, and were tied to poles with black chains.

We started to sprint there but were stopped by hoards of monsters, and we were about a mile or two away from the Colosseum. Dracaena and hellhounds were everywhere, along with the minotaur and bat ladies. Whoopie, monsters galore! Note the sarcasm.

"We need to get to the giants, and fast! So Silena, Beckendorf, Zoë, Bianca, and I will fight these monsters. The rest of you need to get to the Colosseum." Nico yelled as the monsters started getting closer. I quickly shadow traveled to Daniel and and took him to the inside of the Colosseum as Noah did the same with Callen and Jyoti with Logan.

"Finally! The heroes are here! Now the real fun can start." I heard a voice boom over speakers that I had no idea where they were. A bunch of cheers were heard from the monsters. The hostages lifted their heads up and were trying to thrash around, hearing that someone was there to rescue them.

Instead of what usually was in the middle of the Colosseum, there was a huge platform, where the giants were standing on. We all shadow traveled to the top, looking down at them. I created a portal and we all go to the bottom on the platform in an instant.

Each of us had to fight a different giant. I was against Otis, who honestly wasn't that bad. Ironically, Daniel got Ephialtes. So, twins against twins. Noah was fighting Polybotes, Jyoti against Alcyoneus, Logan against Porphyrion, and Callen was fighting Enceladus.

"I will kill you!" Otis shouted, enraged after I 'accidentally' stabbed his leg. "Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say." I sarcastically smirked. He growled as I then decided to use my wings that I hid away. I slashed at his face with amazing speed and accuracy, sending balls of light towards him along with electrified balls of water.

There was a huge explosion on his face as I accidentally blasted him with some of my powers at once, meaning at least one of the powers that each Olympian has, which includes shadows, electricity, water, vines, light, and mostly all the elementals.

Otis stumbled back, shocked from the energy. I made the mistake of looking around. Otis came out of nowhere and slashed at me. I quickly turned to him and barely had time to block him. But I didn't have time. He cut off my left arm as I fell from the sky, not being able to fly from the shock and the pain.

I screamed as I fell but I ended up landing on my feet. Blood gushed out as I quickly thought up of something to use to replace my arm. I summoned water as I shaped it into an arm and quickly solidified it, making it into ice and attaching it to my arm. I then charmed it so that it can turn into different things and so that it's as hard as stygian iron, since that's my favorite metal out of the three. All in the span of 5 seconds.

I got mad and flew back to his eye level. He was smirking but it then vanished as he looked at my new arm. "Oh, do you like it? I honestly have to thank you, because now I don't have a normal arm anymore." I said, showing it off and then I sliced his head clean off and he exploded into dust.

Looking around, I noticed that everyone stopped fighting and looked at us. "What?" I asked. Jyoti laughed as they then went back to fighting. I decided to help Callen, who was having trouble killing the bane of Athena. I started to fly around, hitting Enceladus with a bunch of balls of elements. Why they're all spheres? I have no idea but it's cool nonetheless.

We both soon ended up killing him after I used the winds to lift Callen up to stab Enceladus in the chest. He also exploded into dust. Callen goes over to help Daniel as I see that Noah's helping Logan. I fly over to Jyoti and help her take down Alcyoneus.

Since he's the bane of Hades, I can't use my darkness powers over him. So then I decided to use the next best thing. Light. And you know what? That worked GREAT! I weakened him with light as Jyoti shadow traveled and slashed at him from every angle. She, qa is being the demon girl she is, cut off all his limbs to cause more pain and then chopped his head off.

By then all the giants were dead but there were hundreds of monsters left. At that time Nico and the rest of the others shadow traveled to us. They had a few scratches and bruises here and there, but other than that they looked fine.

"Um sis, what happened to your arm?" Silena asked, looking kind of worried. "Uh, so you see, Otis may or may not have cut it off so I replaced it with ice that I blessed with powers..." I said, nervously. "What!? I'm gonna kill that bitch if he gets out of Tartarus!" Jyoti screamed. "Uh, guys, we have other things at hand right now..." Logan said.

"We'll untie the hostages but until then circle around them and fend off monsters." Noah said. We nodded and got in a circle around the two unconscious demigods. I channeled my energy and gave it to the rest of them so they can fight because they all looked pretty tired. Noah did the same right as the first monsters came into view.

We blew them up in golden dust with blinding speed. I got a couple scratches here and there but there was a pretty bad cut going downwards on the right side of my lip. I tried to heal it but with all the fighting, I was loosing energy quickly and I only could get it to stop bleeding.

We soon killed the monster army. Turning around, we saw the hostages were awake and mumbling. I went to the closest one and took off the blindfold, gag, and hood to see a boy with blue eyes, blond hair, and a scar going across his eye. "Wait, you're Luke Castellan!" I exclaimed.

He looked confused as to where he was and then I turned around to see Noah, Logan, Beckendorf, and Silena talking to the other dude. He looked vaguely familiar and when he turned around he had an eyepatch, brown eyes and brown hair.

"Ethan?" I asked as I then passed out due to shock and exhaustion.

Word Count: 1200

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