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What the Fu-

We ran up to the top of the ship disorientated; Callen wobbling up the stairs from being hurt and Daniel telling him to go back to the infirmary, and the rest of us continuously being thrown back from the constant shaking of the ship.

We turned to see a huge monster trying, and succeeding, to tear down the ship. The monster was like a godzilla but looked like a flying lizard with tiny wings trying to keep it afloat. If we weren't fighting for our lives from it, I would've laughed. There were people standing around the monster, and they were FLOATING IN MIDAIR?! I looked at them shocked as I saw undead warriors. From the pictures I've seen and the stories I've heard, they looked like the ones that died from the first titan war. Silena, Beckendorf, Bianca, and Zoë. If they're all here, where's Luke?

Anyway, their eyes were pure black and they each had a golden-greenish aura around them. All of a sudden they start to glow brighter and start to talk in unison. "Young demigods, join us or face the wrath of Void." Wait, Void? Who the hell is that? I thought we just had to fight the giants and titans?

We all looked at each other confusingly but then turn back to the warriors and I shouted "Hell no, you think you can convince us? Over my dead body." We all decide that Noah and Logan take out the fat dragon over there while we tried to take the undead warriors out of their trance.

"Silena, listen to me! I'm your sister! You don't want to hurt me, right? We're on the same team." I tried to tell her, partly trying to use my charmspeak, although I knew that it wouldn't work because although she didn't have charmspeak, she was strong and could fight against it. Which made me wonder how they could put her under a spell. I guess this Void dude is really strong.

All of a sudden time stopped. "What the fu-" I was about to continue when someone said, "Watch your profanity, child." A man said in jokingly manner. I turned and was about to swing my sword when I actually got a proper look at the guy.

He was black. Not to be racist or anything, but his skin was actually black. If you looked closer, you could even see specks of stars swirling around as if it was a video and not someone's actual skin. He was wearing a crown that looked like stygian iron but it had an aqua-like glow instead of a purple one like regular stygian iron, like my sword. I immediately bowed, knowing who this was.

"Lord Chaos, what an honor to meet you." I said, standing back upright. "The pleasure is mine." He replied, which surprised me. "Um, not to be rude or anything, but why are you here? Especially at this time?" I asked. "Well, since you have to defeat my brother, Void, I decided to give you my blessing to be able to defeat him." He exclaimed as if it was nothing.

I was shocked. He, Lord Chaos, wanted to give me, a mere daughter of Aphrodite, HIS blessing?! "I know you're thinking 'Why me?' but I personally chose you because you are the leader on this quest and you have great potential. You are the one who will end this one and for all, along with the two sons of Poseidon and the daughter of Athena. You four are the ones who will get my blessing. Which reminds me-" he said as he snapped his fingers and Noah falls to the ground, from being frozen in time from jumping.

He face-planted since he was in midair and I couldn't help but smile a bit. Chaos chuckled silently as he turned to face us. "Uh, mon amour, what's happening?" He asked as he soon looked at Chaos and bowed. "Rise, demigod." Chaos said in a professional-type voice. "My brother, Void, is growing strong and with my blessing, you can defeat him." Noah looked at me, shocked. "Your girlfriend will explain more but I'm afraid I must hurry or else this extension of time will slip and there will be a bad effect of time."

We nodded that we were ready as we stepped back and he blasted us with light and chanted in greek. "Δίνω την ευλογία μου σε αυτούς τους ημίθεους που κατέχουν τη δύναμη να καταστρέψουν τον αδελφό Void. Οι ενέργειές τους είναι υπό την πλήρη ευθύνη μου και τους δίνω εξουσίες πάνω από τους ίδιους τους ολυμπιονίκες (I give my blessing to these demigods who hold the power to destroy brother Void. Their actions are under my full responsibility and I grant them powers above the Olympians themselves)."

It hurt. Badly. Imagine bathing in the River Styx but 10 times worse. It was as if someone repeatedly stabbed you but then poured salt on the wound every time they'd take the dagger out. After a couple of minutes of agonizing pain, it stopped and it felt like there was a weight on my back. Oh wait, there was. There were beautiful obsidian black wings with streaks of silver and pink, signalizing my mother and Chaos' blessing. I look over to see Noah looking at his wings which looked exactly like mine but with aqua streaks instead of pink.

"Woah..." I said amazed. "You two are now more powerful than the gods themselves. You have every power that they have and are also as powerful as the primordials. I am sorry but I will not be able to assist in this war due to ancient law. I must go now to give my blessing to the other two demigods." Chaos explained and then flashed out as time unfroze. I could feel that we had a powerful aura as everyone looked at us.

"We'll explain later." I shouted as we continued to fight. As I ran towards Silena again a ball of pure light shot out and she fell out of her trance, unconscious. "Sweet!" I yelled. "Noah, blast them with the light thingy from your hands! Everyone else get the dragon!" We ran around and got towards all the undead warriors and started to shoot at them, making sure they were above the deck so when they fell they wouldn't fall to their deaths.

After all of them were unconscious, we helped the rest of the crew take out the dragon thingy dude. All of a sudden I heard a scream the same time the monster exploded into golden dust. But it wasn't the monster's scream.

It was Jyoti's.

Word Count: 1114

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