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Bonding Moments and the Unlocking of Powers

I soon woke up to feeling something in my hand. As I woke up, I saw Noah sleeping on a chair next to me in the infirmary room on the ship. He woke up as soon as I did. "Kuuipo! You're awake! I was scared when you passed out. You used too much power, mon amour." I blushed as he squeezed my hand.

"Let's go into the dining room." He said as he helped me up and we walked to the room. "You know, I had a weird dream that the hostage was-" I was starting to say as we walked in and saw him. "Nope nevermind it wasn't a dream."

Flashback (2 years ago)

It was the biggest party of the summer. Jyoti and I snuck out of camp to have some fun at a party that my friends from school were throwing. She shadow traveled us to California and to the address that my friends sent me.

"Hey guys!" I yelled as the music was overwhelming and they opened up the door. "Hi Kuuipo. Who's your friend?" Kenzie asked. "Oh this is Jyoti." I said as she waved shyly. "So you're the infamous Jyoti Kuuipo talks about." I heard Adam say as he wraps his arm around Kenzie's waist. Yeah, they're dating.

"Well, c'mon in!" Kenzie said as we walked in to see a huge crowd of teens. "Woah..." I said in awe. "Yeah, the whole school's here! Let's go dance!" She exclaimed and then dragged Adam unwillingly to the dance floor.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go eat." Jyoti said. I nodded and  we walked to the table of food and drinks. I didn't feel like eating so I just grabbed a cup of punch. And guess what? It was spiked with alcohol. Well, I guess I'm getting drunk tonight.

After a couple drinks I felt not as nervous and decided to dance a bit. There were bodies all around me and I couldn't care a bit. Logan didn't return my feelings for him and I needed to get over him. He didn't deserve me.

I felt a body next to mine and I looked up to see an Asian boy with an eyepatch and brown hair and eyes. "Heyyyy we got a pirate up in heree~" I slurred. He chuckled. "You're funny." Smiling, I looked up at him. "You're cuteee~" I giggled as I hiccuped from being kind of drunk.

"Hey, you wanna go eat something?" He asked. You could tell he was slightly drunk. But since I was completely ditzy, I didn't notice. I nodded my head and we headed for the food table once again. "Hey guys! There's a shot contest! Whoever wins gets this nice ass trophy!" Kenzie yelled from a mic on the music stage.

"C'monn, let's gooo!" I yelled and pulled Ethan along with me. There was a table that was lined up with a bunch of glasses of shots in a row. "We'll go first!" I yelled as he went on one side of the table and I was on the other. "Ready, set, go!" Adam shouted through the microphone.

One shot after another, we kept going until we met in the middle and we drank the last one. I looked over and saw that he was on my side more than I was on his and that he won. "I won!" he cheered and we both just laughed and went back on the dance floor. 

We were super drunk by then and we just all of a sudden started making out. Yeah, and then I couldn't remember the rest of the night...

Time Skip to morning

"Ugh, where am I?" I looked over to see Ethan next to me. "Oh my gods!" I shouted as I quickly dressed into my ripped jeans from the night before and a random shirt on the ground. It was a bit big, but who cares?

At that time Ethan woke up and looked at me with wide eyes. "Wait, did we..." He asked and I nodded, kind of scared. "It's okay, don't freak out!" he said. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm a demigod too." I looked at him shocked. "How did you know I was a demigod?" I questioned, about to get out my sword.

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