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Name: Callen Sanchez

State: Texas

Age: 17

Features: blond hair, eyes can shift between grey, green, blue, and red, tan skin

Personality: Athletic, Funny 

Hobbies: building random stuff, baseball, planting

Band/Singer: The Vamps

Background information: Lived in Texas his whole life, is gay (sorry ladies ;p) 

How he got to Camp:

I was making a new youtube vid with my friends Zach and Andrew when all of a sudden there was a knock at our door and we opened it up to see a dude about 21 or so. He had long brownish curly hair and looked latino, like me. He grabbed my wrist and pointed to the birthmark I had and told me I was 'the one'. I didn't know what he meant until his hand turned ablaze and the fire hit my birthmark, making it reddish orange. It shocked me that I didn't feel pain and that I too could set my hands on fire. He ushered me outside and explained to me everything, how he was my half brother and that I was a demigod. He explained that his name was Leo and that we had to get to a certain camp ASAP. I hurried inside and told my friends goodbye and we drove off to my mom's house. I opened up and told my mom what happened and she told me to pack up as she talked to Leo. After I packed up I went downstairs as Leo was telling my mom about the birthmark. He explained that I was a special son of Hephaestus and I'd have a special fire birthmark like other fire users. He said that only he could activate it and that I could be one of the greatest sons of Hephaestus of all time, other than himself, which I just rolled my eyes at. Leo and I got into his super hi-tech car and we drove-flew to Camp Half Blood. Yeah, his car could fly. It was that cool. As I got there, I was claimed with a glowing sledgehammer above my head and a vine intertwined with it. They told me that I was also a legacy of Demeter. After that all happened, I got a tour from Leo.

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