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Name: Kuuipo and Daniel Mathers

State: California

Ages: Both are 18

Features: Both have dark brown hair, obsidian eyes, brown/tan skin

Personalities: Both are smart, athletic, and kind while Daniel is nerdy and Kuuipo gets in trouble a lot, even though if she could she could be at the top of the class. 

Hobbies: Playing different instruments, sketching, singing, creating makeup videos; mostly of Daniel putting makeup on Kuuipo.

Band/Singers: Kuuipo loves Why Don't We and Daniel loves Set It Off

Background Information: They're twins, and they moved to LA from Hawaii when they were about 7. Daniel is bisexual, while Kuuipo is straight. Kuuipo can play piano, guitar, and ukulele, while Daniel can play all of those instruments, plus cello, bass, viola, and soooo many more. He's like a mini Daniel Seavey; same first name, play same instruments, almost same age, but Daniel Seavey is more famous.

How they got to camp:

Daniel and I were walking around Hollywood Boulevard when when we ran into 2 teens that looked around 19 or 20. They introduced themselves as Jason and Piper. They told us that we were demigods. I raised my eyebrow as Daniel was smiling from ear to ear. He explained to me what demigods were and then Piper told us that we had to go across the country to get to a camp called Camp Half Blood. They didn't know which goddess was our mom, since we only had a dad, so we went to our apartment to grab our stuff. Our dad was out, at a studio recording a song, since he was a famous record producer. We told his assistant that we were going to a boarding school in New York, using Piper's charmspeak. We then rode to camp on a magic taxi, I didn't remember the name though. We stepped into camp and got to the dining hall, as we both stood side by side as we were claimed by Aphrodite. Piper ran over to us as we realized that we had a makeover and that we got charmspeak, like Piper. I was wearing a strapless short, flowing, white dress with a golden laurel on my head and Daniel was wearing a white suit, with a golden tie and a golden laurel on his head. I shouted in protest that Aphrodite took my favorite shoes. Piper just laughed and said that she had the same reaction. We just ate and went to our new home, Cabin 10.

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