Chapter 3

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"So... long story short, you don't have a legitimate reason for coming here." Nico attempted to discreetly remove the picture of Will from his locker door so that the other boy didn't notice.

"I mean, I would say that your safety from anyone who wants revenge is a fairly legitimate reason. Not everyone returned to New Rome after the battle." Will leaned against the neighboring locker, one that never seemed to be in use.

"I've survived three years, I can deal with six months. Not to mention, if your motive was my safety, you've just increased the chance of monsters tracking us down. Two demigods give off a greater scent than one." Retorted Nico, slipping the photo and his history textbook into his black backpack.

"Maybe stench on your behalf, I noticed you don't have any soap in your shower." Will raised his eyebrow.

"I ran out." Blushed Nico. He needed to go shopping. Hopefully, Hades's allowance would be enough to provide for two. Or maybe Will would just have to get a job.

"Hey, you're the new kid." Nico didn't bother to turn to look at Joshua, a new kid himself who had gotten here earlier that year but already amassed himself a small following.

Will responded, "What's it to you?" just as Nico scowled, "Fuck off, Joshua."

"Is he with you, death boy?" Joshua smirked, arms crossed.

"I said, fuck. Off." Joshua's two cronies, Byron and Kennedy, stepped back. They were veterans of Goode and recalled an early incident where someone had bullied Nico for his dark appearance. After a few weeks of torment, Nico became fed up and punched him so hard that the other boy literally lost a tooth.

"What, can the new kid not defend himself?" Sneered Joshua.

"Sure I can, I'm just not sure you would be able to comprehend any of my responses. Sorry, even that might've been too complicated for you." Nico snorted. The rebuttal itself wasn't that good but he knew that there was some truth to it. Joshua wasn't exactly known for his intelligence.

"If you're so cocky, fight me." Joshua crossed his arms, attempting to act tough against a guy a year older and a quarter of a foot taller.

"I would, but I think that someone wants to take you a little more than me." Will nodded at Nico.

Kennedy opened his mouth as if to protest what Joshua was about to do, but his friend didn't notice. "Fine, me v you, behind the school after class."

"Deal." Nico agreed. No one messed with Will.

Will knew that Joshua just made a huge mistake. Nico appeared scrawny because of his paler skin and jutting cheek and jawbones. But that was because he never removed his aviator's jacket and always changed for PE in a restroom stall. Joshua was fairly brawny, but Will knew that he didn't hold a candle to Nico. Firsthand, Will had seen Nico fight and he was not someone to be messed with.

Joshua and his gang walked off, Joshua himself undoubtedly feeling a little excited to beat up another kid. Closing the locker, Nico turned to Will.

"Are you sure you don't want to take him on yourself?" Inquired Nico. "I know you're capable of destroying him."

Will shrugged. "It's more fun to watch you do it. Not to mention, I don't think I can bring a bow and fisticuffs aren't exactly my forte."

"Fair enough." Nico grinned. "I've been aching for some action anyways, nothing fun ever happens around here."

"Of course. Now, I'm sure that first period is starting any minute now and you don't want to be late." Will leaned in to peck Nico on the cheek but Nico turned away, pretending not to notice. Although slightly perturbed, Will didn't voice the fact that he noticed this. He wrapped his arm around Nico's shoulder and the pair made their way to class, oblivious to any of the spectators who were watching the entire encounter.

Still good? Still bad? IDK, hopefully the former. I know the bully thing is stereotypical but I still kinda like it. Thank you for reading!

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