Chapter 10

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In movies, the social recluses always sat by the trash cans to symbolize that everyone thought of them as, well, trash. But that never made sense to Nico, because that would mean that everyone would have to pass by them daily. What self-respecting introvert would want to deal with constant traffic? That's why Nico sat as far away from that area as possible. He also tried his best to avoid the lunch lines, doors and provided microwave all while still remaining in the cafeteria. What he was left with was a broken table beneath a window. Broken as in one of the four legs was literally missing. Most people had enough friends that someone would inevitably end up on the damaged side of the table with their lunch all over them the moment someone put pressure on their side. So, having no friends, the table was basically built for Nico. Except for today.

"Ok, don't touch that side of the table, otherwise everything will slide to the floor. Kopesh?" Nico directed Calypso and Hazel, having already given the talk to Will the day before.

The two nodded, holding chairs that they had stolen from neighboring tables and the lunch that they had purchased from the lunch lines. Everyone sat down and began digging in.

"Ew, has food actually downgraded from the 1930's?" Hazel wrinkled her nose as she inspected the mashed "potatoes".

"Somehow, yes." Mumbled Nico behind a mouthful of his personally packed lunch- a sandwich paired with a bag of chips.

Calypso looked at them weirdly. "What do you mean? This tastes exactly like the food we ate back in Greece."

"Case in point." Muttered Nico. "So, how is New Rome?"

"Pretty good, they have a really nice medical program." Will offered. "But the roommates kinda suck, they're just a whole bunch of entitled legacies. I told you about Tommy, right?"

Nico nodded, Will had described him as a less murderous Octavian. High praise.

"I like it, it reminds me of Ogygia. All the fountains, some of the architecture, the gardens. It's beautiful." Commented Calypso peacefully.

"Meh, same as the last time you went." Hazel shrugged nonchalantly.

Nico nodded in response.

Lunch was uneventful, so were the remaining periods of the day. After school was a different story.

Nico and company waited to be picked up by Jules-Albert from behind the school. Jules-Albert enjoyed driving flashy cars like Mercedes-Benz's (Those are fancy, right?) and Nico didn't want to be seen as a rich kid. Not to mention, human interaction just wasn't his thing.

When it finally showed up, the door opened of its own accord and someone stepped out. Someone that was very much alive with black hair and green eyes.

"Gods dam you, Percy," Nico swore under his breath.

"Hey cuz." Smiled Percy, waving.

After briefly glancing to his left to make sure no one was there, Nico mumbled, "Hey Perce."

"Percy Jackson?" Nico turned to his right to see goddam Joshua, the most bewildered expression on his face.

"Hey, I know you," Annabeth said as she got out of the car. "You were that sophomore that hit on me."

"He hit on me too." Crossing her arms, Hazel glared at Joshua.

"Who hit on you?" Frank exited as well, raising an eyebrow.

"Joshua. So she hit him but I fixed his nose." Calypso clarified.

"Why would you do that, Sunshine?" Now Leo got out. Nico' Mercedes suddenly had the interior capacity of a clown car. How did they all have room to wear seatbelts?

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