Chapter 15

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"What the actual fuck did you do to my apartment." Nico gaped at the atrocity before him.

"Oh, this?" Leo wrapped an arm around Frank's shoulders, the pair of them smirking.

All around, Nico's dark walls had been replaced by the brightest colors known to man. It was almost as if they'd taken his wrapping paper and slammed it all over the walls.

"Oh gods, this is beautiful." Laughed Will, pecking Nico's cheek as he dropped his bag onto the floor, not in any particular location.

 "Change it back. Now." Nico crossed his arms.

"I don't know, I like it." Smiled Hazel, checking her room to see what colors had been splattered in there.

"Yeah, because it looks like a jewel mine threw up everywhere." Nico scoffed.

"Yeah, well, your old walls looked like dad threw up everywhere so I guess it's fair." Laughed Hazel.

"I don't like it either, it hurts my eyes." Calypso winced.

"Come on, Sunshine. Admit that it's beautiful." Winked Leo, pointing fingerguns.

"I don't know, I think I have to side with Nico on this one." Nico smiled in response to Calypso's reaction. Finally, an ally against the sunshine-loving army (Get it? Cuz his nickname is "Sunshine"? And I'm 99% sure everyone here is in the Nico Protection Squad) invading his home.

Leo gasped and held a hand to his heart in mock horror. "Blasphemy!"

"Aww, come on, Neeks! It's like a giant rainbow inside your house!" Will inspected the paint cans. "Who could hate colors like 'Radiating Red' or 'Vivid Violet Visions'?"

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Nico: Prince of the mother-fucking Underworld." Sarcastically, Nico extended a hand in a faux greeting.

"Laanngguuaaggee." Chastised Hazel from the other room.

"More important issuesssss." Imitated Nico.

"Looks like it's four v two." Frank wiggled his eyebrows. "Checkmate."

"You need to say Check first to let me know you have me in a compromising position." Frowned Calypso. "Unless, of course, you took action to prevent any chance of escape and I see an obvious move we can make to get out."

Leo paused to ponder Calypso's metaphor. "When did you learn chess? I certainly never taught it to you."

"Athena kids." Leo 'oohed' but Calypso quickly moved on. "But that's not the point. The fact of the matter is that this is Nico's house. Therefore, his word is law."

"Aah, but the fact of the matter is, Will is on our side and his word is Nico's law." Smirked Leo.

"Not true." Nico attempted to protest but, looking at Will standing on the other side of the room, he knew that it actually was true. "But even if it was, it goes both ways."

Will shrugged. "You know that it makes you happy."

Looking around, Nico was starting to warm up to the new atmosphere. Despite that, he couldn't allow Leo to be right! He's fucking Leo Valdez! (Don't take that last sentence out of context)

"No, change it back or there will be a special place in hell for you." Nico stomped past Frank and Leo to observe the damage done to his room. It was pink, neon pink. The kind of pink that glows even without black light. And, worst of all, his bed had been repainted to a shade of yellow that reminded Nico of nuclear waste.

"You're right, yellow really does clash with gold." Will appeared behind Nico, smiling.

"Yeah, it really does." Echoed Nico. He cocked his head. "At least it's not blue, like a neon shade, that color just isn't my type." (Also, I know this doesn't matter at all but I just found out that saying "like" after every other word is a Californian/Midland thing. Is that true or was my teacher just making it up?)

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